Performance notes: Argentinian musician León Gieco makes a guest appearance and performs his song Sólo Le Pido A Dios with Bono. Gieco sings while Bono plays guitar and provides backing vocals. Magnificent is not performed, marking the first time it is omitted from a 360° Tour setlist. Bad is performed for only the second time in Argentina and fourth time anywhere in South America. Setlist and comment provided by
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Usual ground control-Major Tom communications announce quite surprisingly the return of the stingray guitar, fisrt and only time in this last run of the tour, perfectly in line with the aweful habit of squeezing a song till nausea and then trash it; glad it’s back for once time. No surprise in Bono arousing the crowd for the “real” start of the show and Beautiful Day. Solid one that warms up, not that it was needed, the Argentinians. To follow I Will Follow, no imperfection pulls the riff as it must be done at a rock concert; dear old way of rocking. The difference with the too long recent way is blatant putting Get On Your Boots right next .. I don’t mean in style.
What is the new opener is moved to this point; I obviously love when they make this kind of variations (you have to “settle” with them), still it works far better as first song. They better played the real one here.
The halved Mysterious Ways runs and is closed quickly, defect of all tour not of this particular that is quite average.
Some issues in the crowd (I guess) and some issues with Edge stuff define Elevation.
Hasty start of Until.. Edge you must always pull that riff as it should .. always.. quite bad solo as well; not the best moment of the concert for our man from the future. I know I’m usually hypercritical on this song being one of my favourites but this left me quite disappointed. Apparently unwilling Larry at the end.
Quite great audience for the first verses of I Still Haven’t Found that is carried quite tiredly. I have nothing to say about the next song but awesome involvement of the people. The crowd is still in the spotlights for Pride till the first unique notes of Bad… always the gem of the show when it appears. Nice Bono on guitar to not let it end too early despite the lack of snippets.
In a little while, Miss Sarajevo fall in the above speech of songs squeezed till nausea; a bit clumsy the first one. Bit better Miss Sarajevo with Bono “distracted” before the opera part.
City of Blinding Lights .. honest one with the brilliant part put into the intro with those hints.
Now due time to let people jump with Vertigo and Crazy .. there can be thousands of other ways but, as they say, it’s involving so carry on .. in line with the other hundreds.
Sunday saw some blasphemous times during this tour, luckily not this time .. relatively quite good, not thining of the past .. I miss the “no more” and the reprise part though.
The nice lttle Scarlet to intro Walk On; no particular mistakes by Edge and solid version so it can be considered as a highlight of the concert.
Usual sequence One-Streets to open the encores with the insertion of ahint of Mothers this time that always has its sense at these latitudes .. why not playing the all of it?
Streets is Streets, speak by itself
2nd encore flow with the usual structure of the 1 night stand, but this is the 3rd night … Hold Me not bad not excellent … With or Without You mostly raised up by the audience .. Moment of Surrender well interpreted by Bono enough in it.
Good audience source, getting better, instruments distinguishable and clear, crowd a bit too distant at some point Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
Very good in some part a bit below expectations, being a latin american crowd, in some others but it could be cause of the recording
For being a third night at the same venue, it lets you with the sensation that something more could have been done in terms of setlist and performance. No particular mistakes or low points but neither any excellent .. pretty average. Maybe the expectations drop half point in rating
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