1984-11-07 - Glasgow, Scotland - Barrowlands


Performance notes: After Seconds, due to the hot, cramped quarters, cups of water are handed to audience members squashed up the front. Other thirsty members of the crowd start chanting for water "over here, over here, over here" to the melody of Here We Go. Simple Minds' guitarist Charlie Burchill joins U2 for 40.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. War (6)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (6)
  3. Boy (2)
  4. October (2)

best song performances

  1. Surrender (3 votes)

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show attendees: 9

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Edi, GLESGABHOY, StevieC66, conjasnat, hotty375, jamesed68, markou2, saoirse, sooperal

review by DanielLikeAlbum

3 months ago


An absolutely inspired and amazing performance from start to finish, featuring a tight performance with few mistakes and Bono very, who is not only in good form tonight but continuously drops many enthusiastic comments throughout due to the positive reception from the audience. Honestly, every single performance here is fantastic, and you can tell right from the get-go that this is a special night and the band wants to give it their all at all times. I'd say all the performances were on the same level, with the performances not varying in quality at all. Non-stop greatness, which makes it very enjoyable to listen to.


Definitely seems to have been an improvement with Malcolm Beaton's recording over time, as the 2023 transfer of his master sounds absolutely amazing. One of the best recordings I've heard from the tour, with a fantastic balance between the music on stage and the audience, which genuinely makes you feel like you're right there listening to the band play their set.
Recording: Audience microphone - 3.5 stars


Phenomenal, they start the show by almost singing the opening numbers, 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, and I Will Follow, word for word, and even past then, they can always be heard on all of the songs in the setlist. They are a vital part of what makes this show so good, and they truly drive the band to give it their all due to how positively they're receiving the show.


Instantly, my favourite bootleg from The Unforgettable Fire tour is right here. It is absolutely amazing from start to finish, with no weak spots or anything like that. The audience is exceptional, the band are constantly delivering fantastic performances, and Bono even adds to the show by adding enthusiastic comments throughout the course of the show; what else could you possibly want? It was also great to hear Charlie Burchil from Simple Minds on 40, which is a perfect closer for this phenomenal show.
Honestly, every single song was performed amazingly so I'd put down all of them

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Malcolm Beaton (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony WM-D6 (Audio recording device), Hybrid Casio Casules (Microphone)
  • Lineage: WM D6 Master > casio mics* > [C-90] > DAT(LP) > CDR > DBPower AMP > FLAC > foorbar [tags] > fre:ac > mp3@256kb/s
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 446
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Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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