aud > vinyl? > Maxell XLII-90 (unk gen )> PowerBook line in> AIFF(AudioHiJack) > split into WAV (QTPro )> SHN (xACT)
complete details below
in labeling the tracks I followed the A/B tape sides:
Side A
d1t1 Gloria
d1t2 I Threw A Brick
d1t3 A Day Without Me
d1t4 I Fall Down
d1t5 MLK
d1t6 The Unforgettable Fire
d1t7 Two Hearts Beat As One
d1t8 Seconds
d1t9 Sunday Bloody Sunday
d1t10 Electric Co. (cut at very end)
Side B
d2t1 A Sort Of Homecoming
d2t2 Ever Peaceful Banter
d2t3 Bad
d2t4 October
d2t5 New Year's Day
d2t6 Pride
d2t7 Party Girl
d2t8 I Will Follow
(40 is missing)
***brewdog's notes***
This is the first of a series of shows I'll be torrenting from what I'll call the Heath Street tapes. My buddy Tim has always been a huge tape trader, dating back to the early 1980's. I lived for a year in a house on Heath Street he used to live in, and before I moved, I rescued 60 shows he had left in the attic.
The tapes are all original copies from about 1983-1987. They cover 27 U2 shows from 1980-1987, 23 REM shows from the same dates and 10 The Alarm 1983-85. The newest show is from 1987, which means all the tapes are at least 17 years old. I am playing them on a JVC TD-W205 cassette player through line-out straight line-in into my PowerBook. I am capturing the line-in audio using Audio HiJack set for 44.1 stereo AIFF. I'm using QTPro to edit into tracks and convert to WAV, with xACT handling the WAV>SHN duties. This may not be audiophile, but it produces a nice, listenable set.
This tape has hiss present, and I would bet that it was copied originally with Dolby. I heard a little dropout as I listened, mostly during audience noise, but overall, I've downloaded many worse-sounding shows from EZT. Given that it is an aud tape this about 20 yrs old, of several generations, I'd give the sound a solid B (through headphones, very enjoyable). It might be sourced from vinyl because about a minute repeated at the end of "A Sort of Homecoming." I edited the repeat out (which means the audience noise doesn't flow together between d2t2&d2t3), as well as the cut/fade in at "Electric Co." This was at about the 40-41 min mark, so probably was a tape flip at the show. Listening closely to the side beginnings and ends with headphones confirms my vinyl suspicions.
I chose this show to torrent first because it is one of my alltime fave U2 shows.
In "A Day Without Me" Bono breaks into "Dear Prudence." Although the blistering version of "Electric Co." is cut just before the end, On side 2, Bono picks a little boy out of the audience, his dad explains on mic that his name is "Ever Peaceful," to which the crowd cheers mightily. Bono must have tried to give him a red balloon, but it popped, so Bono declares he wants an "Ever Peaceful Award" procured. After "A Sort of Homecoming," someone hands something to Bono that is not appropriate for a 7 yr old, maybe alcohol? At the end of "Bad," (runs over 13 mins!) Bono tags "Norwegian Wood," "Come On Down," "Ruby Tuesday" and "Sympathy for the Devil." You can hear Bono toss the mic down during NYD, and the crowd is cheering, so I'd bet he's off to one of his patented climbs. "Party Girl" is rough and ragged, with good audience participation and a guitar solo by "The Egg." Some girl Bono calls Maid Marion is introduced to Ever Peaceful. Bono, as all the joking continues, says something like "We're a really serious political band, remember?" He then serenades Ever with a nice little tune and the boy grabs Bono's hat. A round of "Auld Lang Syne" is sung, apparently for the boy and his family. At this point, "I Will Follow" just rocks the house. Although I am a bit tired of it, there are times when this song just perfectly captures the mood of the band, and here it fits nicely. Unfortunately, the 90-min tape runs out, so "40" is missing.
All that said, I know there are other versions of this out in the trading pool (for example-, so this may be better or worse than those (U2Lynne's runs 94 mins, with "40" present, so is definitely a different source or version of this). All I can do is guarantee that this is not lossy-sourced!
Please enjoy this relic from days gone by...