1985-04-30 - Jacksonville, Florida - Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum


  1. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock
  2. I Will Follow
  3. Seconds
  4. MLK
  5. The Unforgettable Fire
  6. Wire / Give Me Some Truth (snippet)
  7. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  8. The Cry
  9. The Electric Co. / Amazing Grace (snippet)
  10. A Sort Of Homecoming
  11. Bad / Candle In The Wind (snippet) / Ruby Tuesday (snippet) / Sympathy For The Devil (snippet)
  12. October
  13. New Year's Day
  14. Pride (In The Name Of Love)

  15. encore(s):
  16. Party Girl
  17. Gloria
  18. 40 / Do They Know It's Christmas (snippet) / We Are The World (snippet)
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. The Unforgettable Fire (6)
  2. War (4)
  3. Boy (2)
  4. October (2)

best song performances

  1. The Unforgettable Fire (4 votes)

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show attendees: 3

North Carolina
North Carolina
2 users from North Carolina: PHC94, karwarl
1 from Florida: imthemann

review by DanielLikeAlbum

3 years ago


A very good 1985 North American Unforgettable Fire tour show with everyone seeming to give it their all tonight with a highly energetic and strong performance and Bono's voice being in great shape despite a couple of minor rough patches that happen during the performance though they don't take that much off the overall high energy performance that the band are offering to the audience tonight.


Pretty good AUD that manages to pick up the band and audience clearly and in a balanced way so you can easily listen to the whole show without being distracted by a certain thing going on in the audience or being entirely focused on the band's side of things.
Recording: "Analogue copy of master (1stGEN)" - 3.5 stars


A really enthusiastic audience tonight who are clearly enjoying themselves with some really good singing during songs and giving the gig a lot of energy which, probably contributes to the band's performance aspect as well.


So, my 1st Unforgettable Fire tour concert and I have to say this was a fantastic one to start off this tour with bootleg-wise because we have a really strong performance from everyone tonight and a highly enthusiastic audience who possibly even give the band the desire to give it their all for this show so with this said this is easily a show I'd personally recommend to someone if they wanted to find a good Unforgettable Fire show.
Song highlights for this gig included:
11 O'Clock Tick Tock
The Cry/The Electric Co/Amazing Grace (snippet)
A Sort Of Homecoming
Bad/Candle In The Wind (snippet)/Ruby Tuesday (snippet)/Sympathy For The Devil(snippet) 13 minutes long! And full of great snippets
Party Girl

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"Analogue copy of master (1stGEN)"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Leif Peterson (Recording transferer)
  • Equipment: Sony WM-D6 (Audio recording device), Sony ECM-xxx (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [analogue master] > [analogue copy (1)] > Minidisc > [...] > CDR [clone] > EAC > .wav > Frontend FLAC > .flac > mp3
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 461
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"Jacksonville Summer" or "Stay Till Your Heart Beats Through"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Lineage: UAG > CDR > EAC > FLAC
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  1. Bono signing in Jacksonville!