1987-04-22 - Los Angeles, California - Sports Arena


Performance notes: First time U2 covers the classic Stand By Me. It was being played over the PA, the house lights were still up, and roadies were still preparing the stage when Bono suddenly appears on stage and starts singing to the tape. The rest of the band appear as the tape fades out and they take over the song live. This show features the Joshua Tree Tour debut of The Electric Co.; this is the first time since November 1980 it is performed without the mini-song intro of The Cry.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. The Joshua Tree (8)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (4)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (2)
  5. October (2)

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show attendees: 10

6 users from California:
KenL, anstratdubh1979, arsenal65, daveli, jadangel, mtnfox

1 from United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 from Nebraska: skl90713
1 from Texas: glenn228
1 from Connecticut: numda01

review by DanielLikeAlbum

20 days ago


A fantastic performance that is an excellent conclusion to the Los Angeles run of shows on the first leg of The Joshua Tree tour, featuring strong performances from start to finish.With this night in particular containing interesting setlist changes such as the changed up set order and the debuts of the Stand by Me opener and The Electric Co. on the tour and only trivial mistakes such as minor mishaps from the band and minor lyric errors from Bono. While on the topic of Bono, he is in your typical 1st leg Joshua Tree shape, so he does sound noticeably rough on the higher belts in places however, this doesn't stop him from delivering aspects such as a second lot of "wide awake"s during Bad. It goes without saying that there is no doubt the band wanted to end this run on a high, and I'd say they delivered exceptionally well on this.

Superb renditions of Bad, Streets, I Still Haven't Found, and With or Without You are present in tonight's show, with most of these featuring either excellent vocals from Bono's side of things, him extending the snippets or Bono using improvisation to great results. This performance also features the first instance of the band opening Gloria with the proper intro on tour rather than skipping the intro altogether and commencing from the guitar part onwards.


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Recording: "Keith M master via JEMS" - 4 stars


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A fantastic conclusion to the L.A. 1987 shows and one of my favourite shows from the 1st leg of the tour.

Highlights: Stand by Me, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, The Electric Co., Gloria, Bad, Where the Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For and With or Without You

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"Keith M master via JEMS"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: JEMS (Recording transferer), KeithM (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-939 (Microphone), Sony Walkman D6C (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [analogue master] > Nakamichi CR-7A > Sound Devices USBPre2 > Audacity 2.0 > iZotope RX6 and Ozone 6 mastering > Peak Pro 6 > xACT 2.39 > .flac [ > fre:ac > mp3]
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"U2 Versus The US"

  • Origins: Audience microphone, CD Silver
  • Credits: Winged Wheel (Silver Manufacturer), KeithM (Audio Taper)
  • Lineage: Winged Wheel ‎– WW 9418/19
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"2nd gen (SA90)"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: KeithM (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-939 (Microphone), Sony WM-D6C (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [KeithM master] > [analogue copy] > 2nd gen (SA90) > wt2496 > CEPRO > 2 CDR > EAC > FLAC
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