Performance notes: 11 O'clock Tick Tock is performed for the only time on the Joshua Tree Tour. The band play a cover of The Eagles' Tequila Sunrise, with Larry on lead vocals for the first time ever at a U2 concert. Mothers Of The Disappeared is played for the first time in over seven months; its last appearance was on 8 May 1987. Last public performance of Lucille; its only subsequent performance was at a birthday celebration for BB King. Before the show, Edge joined the opener, The BoDeans, for a single song. Setlist and comment provided by
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Here you can find and post reviews of this show. We encourage everyone that either attended or listened to this show to write a review. Currently we have 4 reviews for you to read.
A truly inspired and excellent special show nearing the end of The Joshua Tree tour, with this specific performance being the last "official show" on the tour right before the band played two nights in Tempe for Rattle and Hum. Everyone is in great form, tonight and minus Out Of Control, having the mistake of Edge not knowing where to start the solo and Bono coming in while Edge is playing the solo, which he quickly corrects. Bono's voice is also in good shape tonight, with only a few minor problems happening on a couple of high-note attempts, although he sounds much better than the earlier legs of the tour. These factors combined make this a truly fantastic performance for the tour.
For this special occasion, the band also brought in some rare performances for the tour, such as the only Joshua Tree tour performance of 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, one out of seven performances of Mothers Of The Disappeared for the tour, one out of twelve performances of Out Of Control for the tour. Not only that, the Dalton Brothers also make their last appearance on the tour with the inclusion of Lucille in the encores. Larry also makes his debut as a singer with a cover of The Eagles' Tequila Sunrise.
Average bootleg quality, not the best nor the worst. There were also cuts on Bad and 40. Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
One of the best North American audiences I've ever heard. They are fully engaged with the show and can be heard participating and cheering throughout.
A truly phenomenal show from start to finish, with this being one of the best performances I have heard so far from The Joshua Tree tour. Everything here hit the mark, from the setlist to the band performance, and even with the mistakes on Out Of Control, they still got through the song pretty well. Overall, this is a top Joshua Tree tour show from start to finish.
Where The Streets Have No Name
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
11 O'Clock Tick Tock
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Tequila Sunrise
Out Of Control
Bullet The Blue Sky
Mothers Of The Disappeared
With Or Without You
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Audience microphone
Origins: Audience microphone
Equipment: FLAC Frontend (Sound Editor)
Lineage: Silver CD's:
Original Silver CD > CD > EAC > WAV > FLAC Frontend > FLAC > MP3 (Lame, 192kbps)
Quality based on reviews:
Downloads: 451
Audio / MP3
Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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