Performance notes: A newscrew from Australian TV network Channel 10 films portions of this show. During Desire, Bono invites them onstage and Edge plays a solo for the camera. Setlist and comment provided by
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Here you can find and post reviews of this show. We encourage everyone that either attended or listened to this show to write a review. Currently we have 5 reviews for you to read.
A fantastic performance once again, which is even better than the excellent performance presented at the last Perth show. Everyone has truly upped their game tonight and delivered even better performances from start to finish, with tight music being constantly played here, along with Bono being both more confident and in better shape than 3rd Perth, genuinely giving every song in the set passionate and phenomenal deliveries with hardly any weaker moments present at all.
Quite a rough listening experience; the show starts off quite muffled, with Hawkmoon being very hard to hear. The sound thankfully improves during Desire and reaches its peak at the end of said song or at the start of Watchtower; however, there are still a few instances of the quality changing, such as during People Get Ready, which thankfully resolves midway through the band are also quite hard to hear as the audience sound drowns them out which is not helped out by one member of the audience at the start of the show singing every single song. Recording: Audience microphone - 2.5 stars
Best audience on the tour so far.
Once again a excellent performance from early on in the Lovetown tour with the band truly starting to get the hang of touring again even with just three shows being completed beforehand. Everyone seems to be upping their game by delivering even better performances when compared to the already strong and fantastic previous nights, with Bono, in particular, having a great night in office here, providing extremely good renditions of everything from start to finish. It's shows like this that truly show off how great of a tour Lovetown is, even if it's earlier performances like this.
Hawkmoon 269
All Along The Watchtower
Bullet the Blue Sky
All I Want Is You
Where the Streets Have No Name
People Get Ready
With or Without You
God Part II
Angel of Harlem
When Love Comes To Town
Love Rescue Me
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