Performance notes: Bono gets Larry to sing the end of Stand By Me. Larry says that "I hope all you people in Australia realise you just got a first", but he had sung before: a cover of The Eagles' Tequila Sunrise on 12 December 1987. Meanwhile, Bono takes Larry's place behind the drums; upon attempting a solo to finish the song, he loses one drumstick and struggles to finish. Setlist and comment provided by
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Here you can find and post reviews of this show. We encourage everyone that either attended or listened to this show to write a review. Currently we have 3 reviews for you to read.
After five previous strong performances from the band before this show, you'd expect this show to be yet another fantastic performance from everyone; however, in my opinion, I'd say out of the first Lovetown shows, this is the weakest performance from everyone as the band are a bit sloppy here making more mistakes than the previous shows along with Bono being in the weakest vocal shape I've heard him in so far while doing this tour chronologically. While he still sounds good for the most part, he sounds slightly rougher than the previous shows and is more conservative throughout. It takes until Bad for the band and Bono to finally settle in and deliver what you'd typically expect from a Lovetown show.
I used my own personal matrix using the "Different Extract" source from U2Torrents for most of the show and then patched in the final minute of New Year's Day with the standard source, with the same being said for Pride. Minus these mentioned parts, this is the best-sounding recording from the tour so far. Recording: Audience microphone - 2 stars
I couldn't hear them aside from specific moments, such as When Love Comes To Town, honestly, and even then, they sounded similar to the previous show and the Perth ones.
A disappointing conclusion for September 1989 and the September Sydney run as the band deliver the weakest show on the tour so far with a good amount of noticeable mistakes, along with Bono not being as good as he was in the previous shows. While things do finally get kicked into gear by Bad, I still wish the first 40 minutes of this could have gone better. Though, when compared to the previous show, at least Desire is back on the setlist, along with All I Want Is You being performed instead of being a 40-second snippet before With or Without You, so it's not all bad. It's still a decent show, although better options exist for an early Lovetown show.
Where the Streets Have No Name
One Tree Hill
With or Without You
Angel of Harlem
When Love Comes To Town
All I Want Is You
New Year's Day
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