Meadowlands Arena
East Rutherford, NJ
March 18, 1992
JEMS Archive via BIGGIRL
RECORDED by RL (aka "madelf")
Analogue Master transfer to VHS done by Steve Hendrix
VHS HiFI to Digital Transfer by Mike Ziegler for JEMS Archive
LINEAGE: Maxell MX-SII-90 (2x) [master] > VHS HIFi > .flac (16/48) >
[2020] > fre:ac > .wav (16/48) > iZotope RX 7 ("De-hum", "De-click",
"Spectral Repair" & "Resample") > .wav (16/44.1) > Adobe Audition CC
(edit & track split) > .wav > Frontend FLAC (7) > .flac
Disc 1
01-Zoo Station
02-The Fly
03-Even Better Than The Real Thing
04-Mysterious Ways
06-Until The End Of The World
07-Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
08-Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
09-Angel Of Harlem
10-Satellite Of Love
11-Bad/All I Want Is You
12-Bullet The Blue Sky
13-Running To Stand Still
14-Where The Streets Have No Name
15-Pride (In The Name Of Love)
16-I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
[encore break]
18-Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
19-With Or Without You
20-Love Is Blindness
NB: I've included edits of Track 08 and Track 09 to allow for a 2CD set.
While JEMS was recording on DAT as early as 1989, many tapers didn't make the leap
until the mid '90s. During that period, some turned to VHS HIFi as a way to copy
and trade the highest quality copy of an analog master without DAT. This show was
obtained by JEMS circa 1993. The lineage is Master Cassette > VHS hifi > FLAC.
It is one of hundreds of audio recordings preserved on VHS HIFi in Jared's collection.
The best of them were transferred by Mike Ziegler in early 2017 after Jared's death.
This recording from the JEMS Archive has been in circulation since the 90-ies as a
1st GEN copy coming from the taper RL (Rich). Initially I had some trouble to locate
the exact source since the JEMS Archive didn't have any information other than being
transferred to VHS, and from VHS to digital by Mike Ziegler.
After posting this recording on dime I came in contact with Rich who recognized his
recording and recalled trusting his master with Steve Hendrix. As such we were able
to establish the correct lineage, as Steve was known to make back-ups of masters on
VHS. And Steve was in contact with Jared (the famous "J" of JEMS).
Rich said that he taped the show with the mics attached to his baseball cap and that
he was positioned in section 125 Row 14 Seat 5 of the (then called) Meadowlands Arena.
The master cassettes were two Maxell MX-SII-90's.
Regarding the VHS copy of the master from the JEMS Archive, I've cleaned it from some
electrical VHS "hum" with the RX 7 and ran a mild de-click as well. The "Spectral Repair"
was mainly used to remove some bumps and spikes, but I did take out one or two close and
loud whistles as well. As far as I can tell the pitch (or "speed") needed no adjustment
(checked in Audition with "Spectral Pitch Display").
The audience certainly was hot and intense, and Rich had a great spot keeping the crowd
noise at a good distance, whilst capturing the music pleasantly clear. U2 put on a good
performance with Bono hitting real high notes. Still, being just one night after the
fabulous show on St Patrick's Day in Boston, it does seem that the band was unable to
reach the same heights. Which is only natural. However the cohesiveness of the ZOO TV
set provides a solid backbone for just another great night of this legendary U2 tour.
APRIL 14, 2020