1992-05-09 - Gent, Belgium - Flanders Expo Hall


Performance notes: At the end of One, Bono sings a rough and improvised version of the Hear Us Coming verse.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (10)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)

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show attendees: 46

34 users from Belgium:
GJD179, KTM3, PatrickSilviaSanne, Poekie, Remy73, Schouf, Tommop, be69026, bolleken, cocobello, dayka, ditch691125, dlambot, fabrice1888, geoff1805, igreg, ivanbono2005, kickthedarkness, koning_albert, krisu2, mirrortof, naibaf, naja, nicocoppens, patske, pinksten, rscl, singlemaltwhisky, stevie, tourvertigo, v7nce, vanvelthoven, yauckt, zootourist

11 from Netherlands:
Edwin_B, FromU22U, Gringo, Maarten909, Stephan61, U2123, edbale1969, edbale69, mofoganda, ver2go, zoohollander

1 from Germany: Papo

review by DanielLikeAlbum

3 years ago


An excellent performance from the 1992 European leg of the Zoo TV tour, with everyone in fantastic form at tonight's show, with The Edge in particular throwing in some phenomenal solos throughout and Bono's voice being in great shape, allowing him to deliver some top versions of songs for the tour. The only thing keeping this from being five stars, though, is the minor but noticeable mistakes that occurred, which were the following: Bono fumbling with the lyrics on Bad. However, I'd say this was somewhat redeemed from the "Not fade away" section onwards and a particularly messy version of Desire. But for the most part, this is a very fine performance from start to finish.


Fantastic recording with a brilliant balance of sound between the band and the audience which, presents an enjoyable way to experience a great show on the European leg of the tour.
Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars


Fantastic audience. They really added to the overall performance at the show.


Overall, a phenomenal show from the European leg of the 1992 Zoo TV tour, with a truly inspired performance from the band, which are backed up by a fantastic audience. Almost every song is performed exceptionally well, with Mysterious Ways, Until The End Of The World, Bullet The Blue Sky, and Love Is Blindness being great examples. While there are a few mistakes from the band, this is still a top show from the European leg, as the good massively outweighs the bad. All of this makes this a definite go-to show for this leg of the tour and one you should definitely not miss if you want to hear an excellent Zoo TV performance.

Highlights: (Pretty much every song in the set)
Zoo Station
The Fly
Mysterious Ways
Until The End Of The World
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
Bullet The Blue Sky
Where The Streets Have No Name
Pride (In The Name Of Love)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
With Or Without You
Love Is Blindness

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