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A mostly fantastic and robust performance from everyone tonight at a location the band have not played at for two and a half years. Once again, this shows why the Zoo TV tour is known as one of the band's best tours.
The show begins with an excellent Achtung Baby set, with the two significant standouts from me being an absolutely phenomenal rendition of Mysterious Ways, which has got to be one of my favourite versions of the song of all time and a fun version of Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses featuring some fun, intentional lyric changes from Bono. However, even the other songs were still delivered very well, and I enjoyed the instrumental work on this show's rendition of Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Here, too.
The B-Stage set was your standard early Zoo TV set consisting of simply Angel of Harlem, a cover of ABBA's Dancing Queen and Satellite of Love minus the minor problem of feedback that happens to be a slight reoccurring problem on these later songs. The performances were still very good, all things considered, even if I do prefer the Outside Broadcast onwards B-Stage sets.
The classics mainly were delivered fantastically, too, opening up with a standard Zoo TV rendition of Bad, which transitioned into a flying fast version of Bullet the Blue Sky featuring Edge letting it rip with his guitar work on this particular rendition, along with Bono delivering a fun monologue at the song's climax, Running To Stand Still and Streets were both performed very well same thing for Pride however, this is also where the weakest performance of the night happens with a version of I Still Haven't Found featuring Bono singing the song painfully flat which already doesn't help that I'd rather not have it in the set due to dragging on the set and Stand By Me not having the same level as enjoyment as I usually have with it.
Thankfully, the show recovers with a terrific encore set opening with the standard great Zoo TV rendition of Desire, Ultra Violet, With or Without You, featuring the always enjoyable Shine Like Stars extra verse. However, the true highlight of these encores was Love is Blindness, which contains a top-notch solo from Edge and the bonus of Bono reading the poem September 1913, which adds a lot to the performance overall, making it one of the best versions of the song I have heard in the live environment.
A solid recording might not have the best clarity, but still a decent listen, all-in-all. Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
Fantastic German audience who are definitely enjoying the performance at all times. Even if the recording doesn't highlight them at the beginning, you can still faintly hear them during the choruses of Mysterious Ways and Arms and later on, you can hear them become a big part of the recording, with their singing becoming a major part of the show from around the B-Stage set onwards.
All-in-all, it was a mostly fantastic performance from the band at the start of the final month of the 2nd leg of the 1992 European leg of Zoo TV. Everyone is in strong form tonight, and this is shown off by strong renditions of most songs in the set, along with the audience giving them the extra push to go above and beyond with some performances of songs here. It's a shame the performance of I Still Haven't Found and Stand By Me happened the way they did here because had they even been the standard Zoo TV performances of them, I would have definitely given this show five stars, but with these two songs aside, this is a great show and one that I will revisit for the performances of Mysterious Ways, Bullet and Love is Blindness Alone.
Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than the Real Thing
Mysterious Ways
Until the End of the World
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World
Bullet the Blue Sky
Running To Stand Still
Where the Streets Have No Name
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
With or Without You
Love Is Blindness
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stand By Me
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