1992-08-12 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Giants Stadium


Performance notes: Last full band electric performance of Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses until 28 May 2005.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (10)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (3)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)

best song performances

  1. Satellite Of Love (4 votes)

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1 from France: Bonolive

review by DanielLikeAlbum

2 months ago


A raw but inspired performance from the official opening night of the Outside Broadcast leg from Zoo TV featuring a mostly strong performance, which also has a few minor off moments as the band is still getting used to performing in large venues and larger stages here but they still give everything a reasonable effort all things considered.

The show begins with your average strong performance of the Achtung Baby songs, which tonight include typical tour renditions of Zoo Station and The Fly, a rendition of Even Better Than The Real Thing featuring a minor but noticeable mistake on the solo, a fantastic version of Mysterious Ways minus the microphone feedback, One which features a unique intro right before the usual Hear Us Coming extra verse and Unchained Melody, Until the End of the World which is brilliant, Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses which is the most noteworthy song of the night as while it has been performed better on the previous Indoor Broadcast and European legs will be the last time the song is performed in the electric arrangement until the Vertigo tour as later renditions of this song on Zoo TV are performed on the B-Stage set in an acoustic form and all things considered, it is a nice send off to it. Larry makes his Outside Broadcast leg singing debut with a short cover of Dirty Old Town, which then is proceeded by an excellent rendition of Tryin' to Throw Your Arms minus the start where the band begin the song without the backing track, which is quickly fixed about a bar or two into the song it features the Love and Affection and Three Little Birds snippets which I enjoy Bono even throws in a subtle mention of the early leg jitters with a "well not quite" after mentioning the first night with the standard chorus lyrics of the Bob Marley song.

The B-Stage set continues this fine show with a fun rendition of Angel of Harlem, which is uneventful, minus Bono laughing on the "Eyes swollen like a bee-sting" line. When Love Comes To Town follows and features an arrangement more akin to the earlier Indoor Broadcast and European leg renditions, followed by Satellite Of Love, which includes a special guest appearance from Lou Reed. Bono even throws in a changed-up lyric stating, "Lou loves to watch things on Zoo TV," which all-in-all caps off the B-Stage set very well.

An excellent rendition of Bad opens the Live Staples section of the show, featuring both the falsetto and standard deliveries on the "wide awake" parts along with a changed-up "If they should ask" verse with Bono throwing in an excerpt from a poem or some form of literature that I am not sure of the name of. A high-speed Bullet the Blue Sky follows this and contains top-notch guitar work from The Edge, followed by the standard Zoo TV version of Running To Stand Still. Where the Streets Have No Name continues the setlist and has quite an intriguing moment as while the guitar on the intro starts earlier than it should to me, it features a unique ending where Bono once again throws in lines from either a poem or a piece of literature (Again, I'm not familiar with it so I wouldn't know what or where it's from). Pride, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, and Stand By Me are your typical Zoo TV renditions. Stand By Me again has Edge taking on the lead vocal duty, which is 1 minute and 45 seconds into it.

The encores are your standard full Zoo TV encores containing the Mirror Ball Man persona who appears during Desire and makes his usual phone call attempting to call the President of the United States only to be told he can't, which leads into Ultra Violet, which is proceeded by your usual excellent Zoo TV rendition of With or Without You featuring the Shine Like Stars extra verse with the show then being capped off with Love Is Blindness.


A mostly fantastic audience recording with an excellent capture of the show's atmosphere and the music played on stage. I'd say the sound is near-perfect, minus the minor changes in sound that happen in places. The only major downside is that the vocals sometimes get drowned out in places, making it harder to hear specific details of what's sung by either The Edge or Bono.
Recording: "WANTED" - 4 stars


A good audience who are mostly quiet aside from cheering after songs for the newer song segment (minus One) in the setlist, but this changes by the time the B-Stage set and onwards comes along, which features the Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum material audience members are audibly singing along with the songs.


Overall, this is a powerful show for the first night of the Outside Broadcast leg. The band are in great form throughout, and minus a few minor mistakes in the instrumental department throughout places, the performance is very enjoyable, which is also backed up by Bono's voice being in superb shape, which holds for the entire performance, too.

Highlights: Mysterious Ways, One, Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet the Blue Sky, Where the Streets Have No Name, With or Without You

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  1. Bono in East Rutherford