1992-08-13 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Giants Stadium


Performance notes: At this show, New Year's Day replaces Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses as the song into which Until The End Of The World segues.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

best song performances

  1. Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World (3 votes)

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2 from Maryland: bridonohue, zootv1992
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review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 month ago


Just like the previous night in East Rutherford, this is yet another raw but inspired performance from the early stages of the Outside Broadcast leg, with the band once again delivering a mostly excellent performance from start to finish while still trying to get adjusted to the larger venues and stadiums that they're now playing to on this leg and as a result, there is some progress on some songs and none in others.

This show's Achtung Baby set commences with a stronger rendition of Zoo Station when compared to the previous night's rendition, with Bono throwing in some enthusiastic ad-libs in places and overall sounding more into the song, which is then followed by a surprisingly weaker rendition of The Fly, which is unfortunately brought down by Bono flubbing the lyrics by singing the third verse's lyrics during the second verse of the song but aside from that the song goes on without any further incident. A tighter Even Better Than The Real Thing continues the set, featuring no mistakes on the guitar solo, this time by The Edge, with this trend continued by yet another fantastic rendition of Mysterious Ways. One follows soon after and features Bono whispering the first two lines, "Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?" but then proceeding to deliver a fine rendition of the song with a falsetto improv right before the Hear Us Coming extra verse and the first appearance of the She's A Mystery To Me snippet after the song. The tighter performances continue with an excellent rendition of Until the End of the World featuring a lyric change at the end, which is now "You were waitin' til the end of the world", leading to a transition-less switch into the official tour debut of New Year's Day, which has taken the place of Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses. As for the performance, it could be better as it is a bit messy in places, and Edge hits a total of two or three clunkers on the piano during the song. Larry tonight elects not to sing and decides to speak to the audience before leading into a tighter rendition of Tryin' to Throw Your Arms, featuring some fun moments on stage, along with Bono throwing in some fun phrasing and lyrics near the end of the song such as "I guess I'm always gonna need The Edge" while once again featuring the same snippets as the last night's rendition which are Love and Affection and Three Little Birds.

Following the Achtung Baby run of songs, the band moves to the B-Stage, which is once again started by Angel of Harlem which is uneventful minus an amusing moment where Bono's voice cracks on "New York" however, the same can't be said for the next song performed which is When Love Comes To Town which is a mess, the song begins with just Bono and The Edge but as soon as Larry comes in with his drumming the song turns into a trainwreck and unfortunately doesn't fully recover. Arrangement-wise, it's similar to the Indoor Broadcast and European renditions. Next up, we get the B-Stage debuts of I Still Haven't Found, which I prefer as it doesn't drag out the main set as much, along with All I Want Is You, which previously had appeared as a snippet on Bad.

Starting the Live Staples section of the show, we get the proper tour debut of Sunday Bloody Sunday, which is a good rendition even if I'd prefer it if Bono did the "NO MORE!" audience interaction part, which isn't done and wouldn't be until September as before then, they go straight into the "wipe your tears away part." Bullet the Blue Sky continues the set, and it's yet another high-speed rendition featuring conservative verses from Bono, albeit with a better solo from The Edge here, which then transitions into Running To Stand Still, which is yet another improvement compared to the first night. Bono sings the song on beat, although he does sound rougher on the outro "Hallelujah"s. Where the Streets Have No Name is your typical Zoo TV rendition; however, Bono changes some lyrics to reference the weather present at the show, which is rain. Pride then caps off the main set, which goes mostly without incident, although the transition after the Martin Luther King video is rough.

The Mirror Ball Man once again reappears for the shortened three-song long encore consisting of Desire, which features an extra bar before the harmonica ending before then wanting to "speak to his baby," to which he is only told what the time is, which is followed by an excellent rendition of With or Without You featuring the Shine Like Stars extra verse which also includes "tonight under the New Jersey lights". Love Is Blindness caps off the show, which is your typical Zoo TV rendition.


A pretty good audience and soundboard recording matrix is only brought down by the audience recording being used less during the B-Stage set, mainly due to an inferior copy of the soundboard being used to patch in some spots, along with the audience recording itself having problems until Bullet. Aside from this, though, it's the best of both worlds, as the audience recording truly does amend some of the dryness that soundboard recordings usually have.
Recording: Soundboard - 4.5 stars


Probably on the same level as the previous night's audience, which is that they're quiet on most of the newer Achtung Baby songs but eventually warm up from the B-Stage set onwards. However, I wouldn't know for sure due to the audience and soundboard matrix having the music as the priority and the audience in second.


Overall, this is a show that mainly consists of fantastic performances of songs already showcasing that the band are improving on the second show of the leg; however, it's still not perfect as there are still a good amount of rough patches that need ironing out which will eventually get resolved as the tour leg progresses on. While the band are mostly tight and offers strong performances, along with Bono's voice being in fine form tonight, I wouldn't say this is as good as the previous night as I think this show personally is too messy for my taste to be a 4.5-star rated show.

Highlights: Mysterious Ways, One, She's A Mystery To Me, Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, All I Want Is You, Bullet the Blue Sky, With or Without You
Lowlights: When Love Comes To Town

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  • Origins: Audience microphone, Soundboard
  • Credits: Steve Hendrix (Audio Taper), Steve Hendrix (Matrix Creator), Jason (Remasterer), Jason Engel (Remasterer)
  • Equipment: Harbal (Sound Editor), Steinberg Mastering Edition (Audio interface), Sonic BBE (Audio interface), Waves Diamond (Sound Editor)
  • Lineage: Source I: SBD, CDR "Bright Lights, Big City Remastered".Source II: AUD, Steve Hendrix DAT Master. Matrix:Pre-treating both sources > matrix > Steinberg ME > Sonic BBE > Har-Bal EQ > Waves Diamond > TLH > FLAC (6) > MP3 (Lame, 192kbps)Soundboard recording:CDR -> EAC(secure) -> dbPoweramp (SHN)Audience recording:Audio Technica Lavalier Mics > Sony TCD-3 DAT > DAT Master tape > Sony 600 > Pioneer stand-alone CDR burner > CDR Master > EAC secure (WAV) > Soundforge 8 (edits) > CD Wave (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (FLAC)
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