1992-08-15 - Washington, District of Columbia - Robert F. Kennedy Stadium


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

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show attendees: 24

8 users from Maryland:
HelloHelloHola, allikona72, arco, chbyrd75, fanclubber, popmartian, revjisok, zootv1992

4 from Virginia: REEFER, anyopp, dturkel, u2glenn
3 from Colorado: JMoney, jojobeets, u2lori
2 from Texas: dutchterp7, rtask
2 from California: anstratdubh1979, u2fouru
1 from Spain: Boniato
1 from Arizona: elizabethseattle
1 from Connecticut: numda01
1 from South Carolina: thenads
1 from Alabama: logan2u2

review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 month ago


Like the preceding two shows, this is yet another early Outside Broadcast show that contains an inspired performance with moments of rawness in places due to the band still trying to get into the swing of things on the Outside Broadcast leg due to this being an early show. However, at tonight's show, the band is noticeably getting increasingly refined in their performances and settling in, which is noticeable right from the start, as the set's flow is smoother compared to the previous two shows.

The Achtung Baby set starts with your typical standard for the tour rendition of Zoo Station, which continues with The Fly, which features a minor flub on the final choruses where Bono repeats "a man will beg" twice, but aside from that, is an improvement when compared to the previous rendition at the 2nd East Rutherford. Even Better isn't free from issues either, as while most of the performance is fine, Bono either chooses not to sing or suffers a mic issue during the "Free to fly the Crimson Sky" section and Mysterious Ways while great in the musical department has Bono flubbing the lyrics by singing most of the 2nd verse instead of the 1st verse. However, things start to settle down by the time One comes along, and the mistakes lessen. This particular rendition of One has the first appearance of the "Have you come here to play Jesus? I did" lyric change and includes a snippet of Rain before the song begins as it was raining during the show and carries over the She's A Mystery To Me snippet after the song, too, which is followed by an excellent rendition of Until the End of the World which contains a rare instance of the song featuring a snippet on the Zoo TV tour as Bono snippets Singin' in the Rain during the guitar solo along with containing a fantastic outro with Bono giving it his all. By this point, the band have also figured out how to transition this song into New Year's Day, which, despite having some messiness and Edge's piano sound being off for the first half of the song, turns out to be a solid rendition featuring improv rain-related lyrics such as "Under a thundercloud and rain." Concluding this section of the set, we receive a lengthy rendition of Arms, which lasts 8 minutes and carries over the Love and Affection and Three Little Birds snippets featured at the East Rutherford shows, with Bono informing us that "A fish needs a Handycam" on the final verse of the song.

The B-Stage set begins again with Angel of Harlem, which is considerably shorter than the previous two renditions. Two minutes into the song, we get the first instance of ABBA's Dancing Queen on this leg of the tour, which is followed by the smoothest rendition of When Love Comes To Town on the leg so far. Some modifications were made to the song's arrangement, which now resembles the arrangement you'll hear on later Zoo TV shows, such as the iconic Dublin show. This set continues with a rare appearance of B-stage Stand By Me, which was performed twice, with this immediately coming behind the more common B-stage rendition of I Still Haven't Found. This show section concludes with a stripped-down rendition of All I Want Is You, which takes us to the Live Staples section.

Like the second night in East Rutherford, the Live Staples section opens with Sunday Bloody Sunday. The song is your typical August to early September rendition, lacking the "NO MORE!" section and proceeding straight into "Wipe your tears away", which quickly transitions into yet another high-speed Bullet the Blue Sky featuring stronger verses than the previous rendition and Edge once again playing a fantastic solo which of course leads into a continuation of the typical Zoo TV flow with your standard Zoo-era Running To Stand Still, Where the Streets Have No Name and Pride performances. However, Pride does have some lyric swapping as Bono sings the later lines on the 2nd verse earlier than they usually are. However, he saves it by singing the lyrics he missed out on in the place of these later lyrics.

The encores are your standard slightly shortened Zoo TV ones featuring the Mirror Ball Man Persona, who shows up during Desire onwards and tonight for his phone call section attempts to talk to Barbara Bush again to be told he can't by the operator. With Ultra Violet remaining dropped, the encores continue with the typical Zoo TV rendition of With or Without You featuring the Shine Like Stars extra verse, which is followed by Love Is Blindness, which now is followed up by a cover of Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love which concludes the show.


Average-sounding bootleg with your typical changes in sound in places; however, if you're familiar with bootleg recordings and have gone through a substantial amount like me, you should still not have many issues with it. It's a decent capture of the show, although note that you'll have to speed correct it as the raw recording does have speed issues throughout and runs faster than it should.
Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars


In terms of reactions and engagement, they're pretty similar to the East Rutherford audiences. This means that the audience is mostly quiet during the new Achtung Baby songs; however, they sing along with One and react positively to the outro of Until the End of the World. For the most part, singing is usually just reserved for the B-Stage set and onwards, possibly because they prefer and are more familiar with the Rattle and Hum, Joshua Tree, War, and Unforgettable Fire material.


Overall, this is another show early on in the Outside Broadcast leg that, just like the previous 2nd night in East Rutherford, showcases positive improvements already being made in the band's performances. They're starting to get the hang of things and are settling in, which can be heard during the performance as it sounds more focused and flows smoother when compared to the previous two shows on the leg. Bono's voice is also in great shape and takes it to chat to the audience in places while also throwing in some weather-related rain snippets in places.

Highlights: One, She's A Mystery To Me, Until the End of the World, Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World, I Still Haven't Found, Stand By Me, All I Want Is You, Bullet the Blue Sky, With or Without You

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