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A solid Zoo TV show that is simply a good performance from the band. Unfortunately, it is a step below the previous two Foxborough shows due to the band not being as tight as they have been from Saratoga onwards, with the main things that bring this show down being mic issues where the vocals are inaudible. The band was not playing as smoothly as they had for the previous few shows. While Bono sounds excellent here, as this is Zoo TV, after all, he's also not perfect, as he has a noticeable amount of odd vocal performances in places that simply don't appeal to me and messes up some lyrics in places.
The opening Achtung Baby run takes a while to get into gear as Zoo Station to Even Better Than The Real Thing all have minor but noticeable problems and, to my ears, aren't as powerful as they've been at previous shows I've heard from this leg however, by the time Mysterious Ways comes along the band tighten up and start delivering performances that are on a higher standard of quality with the most noticeable aspect here being the band finally getting New Year's Day done well instrumentally with no issues. Arms also seemed too loose for my taste here, which is a bit disappointing because I usually quite like this song live.
The B-Stage comes next, and it begins with a solid rendition of Angel of Harlem, which contains the debut of the My Girl snippet, which will occasionally appear on tour from now onwards; however, just when you think things are looking on the up for this show a particular rendition of When Love Comes To Town follows with Bono singing the song in an obnoxious Elvis-style which isn't good at all and makes me wish he'd sing it normally like the previous renditions on the leg. Bono's questionable vocal phrasings also continue onto the B-Stage rendition of I Still Haven't Found, but at least this time, there are instances where he sings some places normally, and he finally sings a nice rendition of Satellite Of Love, a song that hadn't been performed for a week to cap off this section of the show.
Bad, which also hadn't been played since a week starts off the Live Staples, and it's quite a unique rendition for the tour as it features a drawn-out outro due to the Walk on the Wild Side snippet before eventually concluding as usual with the All I Want Is You Snippet. Bullet the Blue Sky quickly continues the set, and it features some fantastic guitar work from The Edge, which extends into Bono's monologue and gives it some extra depth when compared to some others before transitioning into the usual Zoo TV renditions of Running To Stand Still and Streets with the latter featuring for the first time on the leg, "I wanna go there with you". Pride concludes the main set, and the 1st verse features some lyric improv from Bono, but aside from that, it's your standard Zoo TV rendition.
The full encore contains the return of Can't Help Falling In Love as the closer rather than the previous night's Love Is Blindness, but aside from that, it's quite standard for the tour, once again featuring your standard Zoo-era renditions of Desire, Ultra Violet, With or Without You, Love Is Blindness and Can't Help Falling In Love that all-in-all provide a solid conclusion to the show.
This is a near-perfect recording from Scott Ellinwood. It is clear-sounding throughout the show, with no significant flaws in terms of cuts or audience sound drowning out the music. The only notable flaws are the noticeable volume changes that happen in places during the show and sometimes the vocals being drowned out. However, this recording is very good overall and a clear capture with a clear highlight on Larry and Adam. Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
Typical Zoo TV audience.
Overall, this is a good Zoo TV show that, unfortunately, is brought down by the aforementioned flaws in the performance tab. While I did enjoy some moments on this show, I did prefer the previous three shows that happened before this over it due to them featuring better band performances overall, but that doesn't mean that it's all doom and gloom as I personally believe that no Zoo TV show is straight-up bad and that each show still has its positives in places. Still, it's just to my ears there were fewer highlights here when compared to the previous 7 Outside Broadcast shows.
Highlights: Mysterious Ways, New Year's Day, Angel of Harlem, Satellite Of Love, Bad, Bullet the Blue Sky
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Audience microphone
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