1992-08-27 - Montreal, Quebec - Olympic Stadium


Performance notes: Daniel Lanois plays guitar with U2 for I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. It is the first of multiple times that he joins U2 on stage.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

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show attendees: 8

New York
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JonD, acrobat, lololabrute, samyers, scheeves, zootvca

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1 from New York: edwmsteen

review by DanielLikeAlbum

2 months ago


A very strange and particular performance for the tour that initially starts off as a very strong performance with tight renditions of the first seven songs in the set, which then, unfortunately, dips and starts going downhill starting from Arms, but not without a handful of good performances in places which unfortunately are overshadowed by the noticeable mistakes that occur at the show include: Bono's typical lyrical mistakes, Edge having a few minor issues on the first two songs, Bono singing earlier (may or may not be caused by technical issues) than he should and even from what I can infer on the audio, fans getting on stage during Desire resulting in a messy rendition and a messy version of Love Is Blindness.

The major highlight from this show comes during the B-Stage set when the band's producer, Daniel Lanois comes onstage and joins the band for the B-Stage renditions of I Still Haven't Found, which even features him singing in places, albeit this has a messy result as Lanois does audibly mess up the words and All I Want Is You I'm pretty sure as there is extra guitar and it doesn't sound like anything Edge would do.

From then onwards, the set mostly continues with a flawed Live Staples and Encore set full of mistakes that are too messy for my taste, which is rather disappointing as from the first couple of shows, I thought this was going to be the show where everything was finally fully settled, and the band were now fully refined and ready to take on the rest of the tour.


It is a bit distant, but the sound is pretty good. If you put that aside, it has a somewhat clear capture of the music with little audience noise. There is a noticeable cut on Arms though.
Recording: Audience microphone - 3 stars


Mostly just your typical Zoo TV audience; however, they do lose half a star for getting on stage and interrupting Desire.


Overall, a disappointing show that leaves much to be desired, which is definitely peculiar when the shows before it have featured a band that is constantly improving as the tour goes on. In my eyes, this show falls off from Angel of Harlem onwards, with only a few songs after that being good, with the most notable aspect of this being the first guest appearance from Daniel Lanois for Still Haven't Found and All I Want Is You and nothing else.

Highlights: Mysterious Ways, Until the End of the World, New Year's Day, Angel of Harlem, All I Want Is You, With or Without You

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