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This fantastic performance is very similar to the previous first night in New York. Once again, it features a band that has finally fully settled into the Outside Broadcast leg and gives it their all to put on a memorable, top-notch performance for the New York audience. The performance contains tight performances and excellent vocals from Bono, as per the norm of Zoo TV. However, minimal hiccups are present, but even as these occasionally show up, they are outshined by the positives.
The Achtung Baby run of songs is mostly full of strong performances. However, The Fly is a bit messy towards the end when Bono comes in early with the 3rd chorus when The Edge is singing, which does throw everyone off for a bit, but thankfully, nothing too bad occurs and the band resumes without incident. To make up for this, the band then delivers wonderful renditions of Mysterious Ways, One and Arms, which is quite a fun rendition, with Bono throwing in a New York-themed verse before Edge takes the song to its bridge.
The B-Stage continues the show right after containing the usual fantastic stripped-down acoustic renditions of songs. It starts with a mostly solid rendition of Angel of Harlem that features a good save from Bono. He stops himself from singing the wrong verse, pauses for a moment, and then sings the correct verse, continuing the song as usual from then onwards. The song, just like the previous Yankee Stadium night, is followed by a laid-back cover of New York, New York, which gets followed behind by the usual B-Stage I Still Haven't Found before the debut of the extended Satellite of Love happens, which now features a video of Lou Reed.
The Live Staples are next up in the show. These include a couple of minor hiccups in places and contains the return of Bad, a song last played at the 3rd Foxborough show a week before, featuring the return of the typical length and outro with the All I Want Is You snippet which, then transitions into Bullet the Blue Sky that despite starting a bit on the rough side of things while once again featuring The Edge who delivers his standard fantastic guitar work which again leads into the typical Zoo TV renditions of Running, Streets and Pride which nicely concludes the main set portion.
A phenomenal, slightly shortened encore section concludes the show by featuring outstanding renditions of Desire with a superb outro monologue from Bono in character as the Mirror Ball Man, With or Without You, which features a little bit extra than your typical Zoo TV rendition as Bono near the end even plays guitar and Love Is Blindness featuring a sublime solo from The Edge before the usual Can't Help Falling In Love concludes the show.
I used the DVD audio & Tape Mix from U2Torrents that uses audio from the VHS audience-shot film for a large majority of the show before using an audience recording for the final two songs of the set (Love Is Blindness and Can't Help Falling In Love). For the most part, the sound is very decent, even if it's not as clear as other recordings from the tour. The only notable flaws with the VHS audio are the dropouts in places and sometimes faint audience chatter. Still, for the most part, this version is very enjoyable. Recording: Soundboard - 3 stars
A very enthusiastic New York audience that seems slightly more into the show than your typical Zoo TV audiences. To my ears, they also participate more often in singing and clapping, making the atmosphere very warm with an audience that enjoys every moment.
Overall, this is a fantastic show that nicely concludes the first month of the Outside Broadcast leg. The band's performance complements the first night in New York exceptionally well, with a similar band performance. The band truly intends to deliver an excellent show that the New York audience will remember. Due to the tight performances with few mistakes alongside Bono's usual outstanding Zoo TV-era vocals, both of these New Yorks are recommended listenings for Zoo TV in my eyes.
Highlights: Mysterious Ways, One, She's a Mystery to Me, Arms, Satellite of Love, Bullet the Blue Sky, Streets, Desire, With or Without You and Love Is Blindness.
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Lineage: PCM Audio from DVD Made from VHS Master (achtungpop's version ripped with DVD Decryptor and converted to WAV)/Unknown Gen Cassette (Dana's original SHN files)> Goldwave for crossfade and track split > FLAC frontend > FLAC > MP3
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Audio / MP3
Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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