1992-09-02 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Veteran's Stadium


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

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show attendees: 22

8 users from Pennsylvania:
Ebster, Guff18, HeWoreLemon, Steelers, afansince83, jdiamjr, oktobre, zoostation17

6 from New Jersey:
TSJSMK, TommyNJ36, meddave, rspass, trm15, viridian1

2 from Maryland: bridonohue, zootv1992
2 from New York: EDDMB, boyo3221
1 from Colorado: ncFoCo
1 from Illinois: acroopnc1
1 from Delaware: brianb1969

review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 month ago


A fantastic show featuring a mostly strong band performance who deliver yet another excellent show that, for the most part, goes smoothly with few but noticeable mistakes. Bono, once again, is in great form, and minus the occasional error of lyric flubs, delivers a sound performance from start to finish, with him noticeably throwing in ad-libs in places on most songs of the set tonight. Really, the only other mistakes present at this show tend to be little things, such as tech issues or minor issues with The Edge's guitar.

The opening run of songs goes well, with strong renditions of Zoo Station, Mysterious Ways, and New Year's Day catching my interest the most, along with a rather interesting rendition of Arms that starts with just Larry, Adam, Bono and the backing track as it seems The Edge has some guitar issues and while minus the fact Edge isn't there the song played well and results in a rather interesting take on the track as the lack of Edge does make the song sound a bit empty until he finally comes in after the song's 2nd verse is completed but honestly, it could have gone a lot worse. I personally don't mind this rendition as it's quite fun, all things considered.

Next up is the B-Stage set, which once again features your typical but still enjoyable Zoo TV stripped-down renditions of Angel of Harlem reinforced with the Hello, Goodbye snippet at the start and the My Girl snippet at the end, which elevates the song to a higher level along with a beautiful rendition of All I Want Is You featuring just Bono and his guitar which happens to close this section of the show too.

The Live Staples are mostly terrific too, featuring your usual Zoo TV excellence on Bullet the Blue Sky, which once again features Edge's guitar work at the forefront and begins the always fantastic Joshua Tree run of songs that ends off with Streets. My only complaint is that while I don't mind Sunday Bloody Sunday on this leg, I do find the lack of the "NO MORE!" section to be quite jarring, which thankfully is resolved by the time the Ames show midway through the month takes place.

The encores are your standard slightly cut-down Zoo TV encores, with Bono once again in his Mirror Ball Man persona for Desire, who then proceeds to make his phone call to the White House. However, soon after this, a lovely rendition of With or Without You follows, featuring your typical Shine Like Stars snippet inclusion and a drawn-out outro before the usual pairing of Love Is Blindness and Can't Help Falling In Love concludes the show. I will admit, though, I did find Bono's lyrical stumble on the 2nd verse of Blindness very amusing, with "Love is clock in a parked car seat" making me laugh.


A fantastic audience recording that features a very clear capture of the music with little audience chatter. Honestly, the only thing that I'd say is a double-edged sword for this recording, in particular, is the highlight of Adam Clayton's bass work as while it sounds great on some songs in other places, it does mean you have to turn down the sound in places due to how loud it makes the music but aside from that it's a near-perfect audience recording.
Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars


Typical Zoo TV Crowd.


Overall, this show is a fantastic show that, while a slight step below the double New York shows, is an excellent start for September 1992, with the band once again delivering a tight performance with few mistakes and Bono clearly in an inspired mood with his incredible vocals and ad-libbing being a constant throughout the performance. While there were a few lyrical stumbles, technical issues and Edge having a few problems here and there, nothing was too severe, and for the most part, this is another brilliant show from Outside Broadcast.

Highlights: Zoo Station, Mysterious Ways, New Year's Day, Arms, Angel of Harlem, All I Want Is You, Bullet the Blue Sky, With or Without You

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  1. Stage, floor, and surrounding stadium before U2's Zoo TV Tour show at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia
  2. Zoo TV Tour in Philadelphia.
  3. U2 in concert, Philadelphia 1992
  4. U2 in concert in Philadelphia, 1992
  5. U2 in concert, Philadelphia 1992
  6. At The Veteran's Zoo