1992-09-03 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Veteran's Stadium

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show attendees: 15

New Jersey
5 users from Pennsylvania: Ebster, HeWoreLemon, Steelers, scoobycem, theFly5150
5 from New Jersey: brian71, meddave, petedoc, rspass, trm15
2 from Maryland: fanclubber, zootv1992
1 from Illinois: acroopnc1
1 from Florida: MarioScarpati
1 from Texas: dutchterp7

review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 month ago


A standard performance featuring your typical Zoo TV performance with a good band performance and your average Zoo TV era Bono who sounds great. However, when put against the previous shows, while the band sound good, they're not as tight as they could be. As a result, minor but noticeable mistakes are littered throughout, from Bono's lyric fumbles to Edge having problems being the main issues here. Still, this is just an average performance for the most part, and the band aren't doing much compared to other shows. While they get through the show, there are few highlights compared to other shows on the leg.


It is a fantastic recording by Scott Ellinwood, featuring a very clear capture of the band. Thankfully, there are fewer issues compared to his previous recording in Foxborough. If you ask me, it is easily one of the best audience recordings on the entire tour.
Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars


Typical Zoo TV audience as usual for the leg.


Overall, a decent show that doesn't quite live up to the excellent performances in New York and the 1st night in Philly. While the performance is respectable, don't get me wrong, as the mistakes present are trivial for the most part, they don't get anywhere higher regarding how good the performance is. It remains consistently solid for the whole almost 2-hour-long performance, resulting in few highlights even if the band are decent and Bono is good.

Highlights: The Fly, Mysterious Ways, Bad, Bullet the Blue Sky, With or Without You

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Quality based on reviews:
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Bit rate: 128, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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