U2 - All I Want Is You

Rattle and Hum

All I Want Is You lyrics

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you'll give me
A highway with no one on it
Your treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

Your love, all I want is...
Your love, all I want is...
Your love, all I want is...
Your love...


Rattle and Hum

  1. Helter Skelter
  2. Van Diemen's Land
  3. Desire
  4. Hawkmoon 269
  5. All Along The Watchtower
  6. Silver And Gold
  7. Angel Of Harlem
  8. Love Rescue Me
  9. When Love Comes To Town
  10. Heartland
  11. God Part II
  12. All I Want Is You

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