1. What are your most favorite photos of the band? Or any member of the band?
  2. The avatar i'm using now I really love it
  3. I really like the one I use as avatar, it's from Arnhem Elevation show.
  4. how do i post a photo? Excuse my ignorance.
  5. I love the avatar I'm using!!! Bono looks soooo sexy in it!!!
  6. Well, at the moment - it's my avatar.

    The picture was taken by myself in Melbourne on 19/11/06. The quality's not fantastic but I don't really mind - what great posers!!

    No doubt that will change at some point though - there's just so many great pictures out there.
  7. i love my avatar....
  8. You all love your avatars!
  9. This is one of my favies of The Edge. I took this at the November 2, 2005 show in Los Angeles.

    The GOAL is SOUL... it's EDGE-E-VA-TION!!!

  10. Here's my favorite of LARRY from the VERTIGO tour...

  11. Here's one of my favorites of ADAM. This picture is ADAM in his essence - It shows Adam as his confident and cool as heck self.

  12. This one of BONO and BOB is fantastic. You can almost see like BOB is telling BONO what is WHAT. (Hahahaha)