1. I don't see Edge clapping.

    Looks like the finale of 'Laid', a whole bunch of people come on stage as Tim Booth does his ecstatic dance. Then they all go ecstatic with him.
  2. Vertigo
  3. snippet spoiler?
  4. Vertigo/Vertigo (snippet)

    Also, watch as one of the shows ends with a second performance of Vertigo.
  5. You guys know that picture is from two weeks ago, right?
  6. Yes. I thought I should mention it but then I saw the comments coming and I thought it was more fun to keep it quiet... sorry

  7. Name: Fabiana
    From: Recife, Brazil
    Song: Song for someone

    and now Recife is on the map!
  8. It was already on the map since the World Cup right That's where I knew it from!