1. @hoserama thanks for one step closer. Was hoping to hear it for a long time.
    Next time ( if you have) Please playboy mansion
  2. Rare trades only!
  3. Just out of curiosity: what do you consider higher end rigs? Anything better than an iPhone, or anything better than cheap recorders and cheap Church Audio/Audio Technica mics?
  4. I would say anything above a mid level rig, like you said for cheap recorder plus church/AT mics. Basically a rig more than the 500 dollar threshold.
  5. I don't consider folks using their cell phones with internal mic as tapers. Souvenir hunters at best.
  6. There's usually a progression on taping gear. Folks start out with the 500 dollar recorder and small mics package. Most folks stick with that. But some upgrade to higher end schoeps/dpa/Akg/nuemann mics, which is usually measured in the thousands of dollars.

    Now there's less people making that initial step to purchasing that 500 dollar mid level rig, much less the higher end rig. Even iem taping has the same progression of gear upgrades.

    Another thing to consider is the proliferation of metal detectors and wands. Intimidating at first, and likely scares off new tapers. They can be beat (I just took in a zoom f8 eight track recorder and 5 iem packs through them on two shows this last weekend). I know one guy refuses to even try, so he just dabbles in iem recordings from outside the venue and generally gets poor recordings. It's a new era in security, either adjust or retire from taping. Or in many cases, folks never start.
  7. @hoserama: i am not asking for recordings and a big THANK YOU for all the recordings you shared all those years!!!
    But can you give us rehearsal setlists what was when and where rehearsed that you are in the know of!?
  8. So I'm not a taper, because I used an iPhone with Soundman Mics. Maybe you delete my U2 show from u2torrents then.

    a pair of current schoeps cost 5 months of my current income.
    So I see, I am not a taper because I am not willing to spend that (but rather spending it on actual concert tickets). Got it.
  9. Notice I said phone with internal mics...