1. We have a new You Too poll, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The question of this new You Too is:

    You Too: Will you or have you attended a Stories of Surrender show?
    - Yes, one
    - Yes, more than one
    - No

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this topic you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
  2. Just one!
  3. One show and I think that is enough for this "tour".
  4. This should be a one and done for most. To see it multiple times would ruin it I think.
  5. Just one show, have to fill the piggy bank for las vegas😂😂
  6. The closest show to me is Chicago, and I just can’t swing a weeknight trip to Chicago right now, especially to see 1/4 of U2 play 1/2 of a concert. I’m sure it’d be great to be there, but I just can’t justify it.

    I’ll keep saving my Pennies for Vegas as well.
  7. it s boring
  8. Just the one show for me (London) and, in my little view, that's how it should be on this tour.

    Loved it more than I ever would have imagined (and I've seen the band 60+ times)