1. Still waiting in Canada for the CD.
  2. They seemed to tap into the spirit of that song on that night.

  3. I'd imagine at this point it means nothing to him aside from "Hey remember that time I was linked to the the biggest supermodel in the world?"
  4. I've dug out the full Dublin CD and thats in the car now. What a performance , Numb is pissbreak 1 song, followed by When Love Comes to Town
  5. Idk U2 has been good live with stuff. Not like we’re hurting imo. I’ll call out just a few here…

    - Another time another place fan club release was a very nice snapshot from the boy tour
    - The October deluxe edition includes some London and Boston show tunes, plus a few others
    - Red rocks, UABRS
    - the Joshua tree deluxe edition includes an awesome show from Madison Square Garden
    - Rattle and Hum movies and album with live tracks
    - Zoo tv Sydney fan club release (despite the fact that it sounds like trash)
    - Hasta la vista baby and the pop heart ep
    - ATYCLB deluxe edition includes the Boston show
    - U2 go home from slane
    - Communication, albeit small, sample from the vertigo tour
    - 360 saw multiple webstreams through U2.com including Montreal which was awesome
    - U22 fan club release from 360
    - Achtung Baby 30 live album
    - songs of innocence and experience live fan club release
    - Zoo tv Dublin
    - U2 UV Sirius xm stream which I’m sure will get a release.

    I’m sure I’m missing some. Only thing I really want tbh is more Zoo TV stuff…specifically legs 1 and 2.
  6. Arrival in Canada
  7. LOVING this release. Only thing that has me slightly disappointed is the remastering of the snare drum. One of my favorite things about the early 90s U2 sound is that distinct tight “ping” of Larry’s snare drum. Seems like they remastered it to sound deeper/more full (most notable on Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The World).

    They did the same thing when they remastered the ZOO TV era songs for the “Achtung Baby Live” release
  8. So I've finally finished this little project. It's the E.P mixed with no fades between the songs. Plus I've remastered and added Real Thing,Ultraviolet (both from RDS Dublin broadcast), Until the End of the World (Alternative NRG, San Diego release) and Slowdancing (Zoo Transmit Promo). Also thrown in the White House phone from Washington too. I tried to get the mixes as close to the E.P as possible. Not easy, but I'm pleased with how close it sounds. Enjoy it before it gets removed by the A.I.
  9. Originally posted by jheath:So I've finally finished this little project. It's the E.P mixed with no fades between the songs. Plus I've remastered and added Real Thing,Ultraviolet (both from RDS Dublin broadcast), Until the End of the World (Alternative NRG, San Diego release) and Slowdancing (Zoo Transmit Promo). Also thrown in the White House phone from Washington too. I tried to get the mixes as close to the E.P as possible. Not easy, but I'm pleased with how close it sounds. Enjoy it before it gets removed by the A.I.
    [YouTube Video]
    you, my good sir, have done a terrific job here! Really, everything sounds smoothly banded together, and you did some fine treatment of the non-EP tracks. For instance, listening to The Fly and then EBTTRT, I almost forgot the latter wasn't officially released and thus had (in theory) a different sound.

    On a side note, I gotta say I felt a little divided, cause in one hand I see that a 10-track and almost-an-hour-long release would've been neat, for sure, but on the other hand, I don't think it could be labeled as an EP while having the extension of an album (considering that Zooropa is also 10 track/50 min long, for example). But then again, just open the vault, give us full concerts releases and let us all be happy hahaha