Originally posted by Damonio123:they remastered and released this EP…this won’t happen again and that sucks 😞
Originally posted by u2wanderer1:[..]
It did well for sales and charting and got a lot of interest. They seem to like the EP format for live releases on streaming platforms, and the physical release looks to have been successful. I wouldn't be surprised if they do more. There was talk that they were looking at LoveTown as well when they did the Zoo TV one. But I 'm not sure we will see anything in 2025. Bono's film will be the focus in the early part of the year, and the album in the latter part of the year (if it gets finished by June.)
Originally posted by Swfan42:[..]
Do we know why Bono’s falsetto is muted during the latter portion of Mysterious Ways on the EP? You can hear it if you listen super closely (~5:28 mark)
One of the best parts of their live performances from that era!