1. Hello,
    Just curious, is there any other audience recording than "In A Town Called Eniskillen" or maybe a fresh transfer?

    Comment #49144 By Sjpin1 @ 2012-08-25 11:45:23 GMT
    Note that the source is a 1st gen tape and not the master. Scott Z did the transfer about 12 years ago of my tape. When I traded to Justin Cook it became a Town in Eniskillen and he listed it as a master source. With the 25th anniversary of this show coming up, it may be time to do a fresh transfer.

    The "SOUSOUS -04th May 2003 Remaster" is very very loud and saturated.

    There's no soundboard recording available

    Thank you very much!
  2. I am sure there will be a better recording on the torrent site, the tape I just pulled out of my storage is definitely better.
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