1. Perhaps u2.com don’t operate in ‘mid’ only late and early. Therefore anything before July 1st could count as early 2019, ( I could probably get a job at u2.com with these explanations, not that I necessarily believe in what I’m writing which probably makes me even more qualified lol).
  2. And still waiting
  3. I think it's funny that we have this conversation/bitch session year after year, as if by now this is some kind of big, appalling, shocking surprise... lol
  4. My guess is a year after the last one, regardless of what they said initially. If they got the year right, that would be more or less in keeping with the way of things.
  5. I'm going to upload a zip file with a text file in it called: youfool.txt
  6. I had U22 on loud in the car on the way home, trying to escape the misery of the day. It worked. Great record.
  7. I am not really upset and don't really expect it anytime soon. Just having a bit of fun.
  8. Well I don't find it funny to see this topic pop up every few days with a post that says "still waiting"
  9. Opinions vary I guess. Sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities.

    But we are STILL WAITING. This is a true statement and my trying to have a little fun with that fact does not negate that truth. U2 has consistently lied or at the very least misled and been dishonest by not publicly stating when plans change to the fanbase on these gifts and fanclub issues for years. Trying to have a little joke (albeit one not everyone gets or appreciates apparently) is the only thing we can do at this point.

    Cheers and have a great weekend!
  10. Still waiting...
  11. Still waiting...