1. -

  2. Fake news right?

    Edit: Fake
    Stupid X user's and their engagement farming
  3. Saw Bono was trending in twitter and new immediately it was about the US election
  4. I hope that Trump will win. I dont care Bono and his cars. U2 and democrats are evil and they want nuclear war to world. U2 has album war that why they hate peace and Trump. Demos has try to kill Trump 2 times already.
  5. I don't like politics, but U2 definitely left their political path decades ago.
  6. Originally posted by ilmari72:I hope that Trump will win. I dont care Bono and his cars. U2 and democrats are evil and they want nuclear war to world. U2 has album war that why they hate peace and Trump. Demos has try to kill Trump 2 times already.
    I feel dumber for just having read that
  7. Originally posted by ilmari72:I hope that Trump will win. I dont care Bono and his cars. U2 and democrats are evil and they want nuclear war to world. U2 has album war that why they hate peace and Trump. Demos has try to kill Trump 2 times already.
    Ohhh, so that's why they're releasing an album of Atomic Bomb demos, to kill Trump? Everything makes sense now.
  8. this is politically disturbed now, but I sure don't go for trump, and his corrupt thinking, and U2 sure don't do this anniversary for this-
  9. We had a politics thread 8 years ago and it was awful. Please stay on topic for Latest U2 News/Sightings.
  10. Always ends up an awful conversation. Negative, toxic , angry…. No thanks
  11. I agree. Let it go.