Originally posted by Elevation87:[..]
Are you trying to say that Edge could have been referring to the How To Re-Assemble An Atomic Bomb RSD release as the "new U2"?
Sorry if I'm misinterpreting but I definitely can't see it being that when they were talking about the "new" old songs and the shadow album.
Originally posted by tuf392664:If there was to be a stand alone single then great but I also wouldn’t mind a long promotion of the next album with 3 or even 4 singles coming out every few months until the album was ready. Considering they’ve done quite a few different mixes of songs in the past they could still always change the album versions of these singles if they felt they’d improved them in the time leading up to the release. When you think of SOE they had already played little things including on tv plus released a video of blackout and released best thing before the album came out. The album version of blackout and get out of your own way were also made available when they announced the album. Why not do 4 singles in the next year, 1 every 3 months?
Originally posted by Elevation87:[..]
Are you trying to say that Edge could have been referring to the How To Re-Assemble An Atomic Bomb RSD release as the "new U2"?
Sorry if I'm misinterpreting but I definitely can't see it being that when they were talking about the "new" old songs and the shadow album.
Originally posted by u2wanderer1:[..]
"There was talk about U2 putting out something at the end of the year, but that plan was scuttled."
This wasn't a reference to HTRAAB. The band were talking about putting out a new single at the end of 2024.
Originally posted by miryclay:Things can't be good for Edge's house in LA right now. Anyone have any update on our favourite guitarist?
Originally posted by Elevation87:[..]
The end of 2024 could easily be pushed into the new year. We all remember the stories of SOS being released in December 2022. Perhaps they kicked it down the line as they were doing promo for the Bomb anniversary?
Originally posted by U21960:[..]
I haven't heard anything, and no updates from Morleigh.
Bono's spec house as well in Hollywood Hills.