Originally posted by cmkuz1:Something’s odd. Apple Music fixed U2’s music catalog. They put all of the singles that were in the albums section into single! They also have a newer section with there like albums / EP’s! I’m happy!
Originally posted by RedSky:Re Roger Waters - you gotta separate the art from the artist here
some great music but he's stuck his head down one too many rabbit holes
Originally posted by Damonio123:i preffer liam gallagher from the 90’s than him
Originally posted by EdgeMedia72:Roger Walter’s is a well known POS! Look at the whole Pink Floyd break up and shitshow he tried to turn that into. Thank fuck he lost overwhelmingly the court case against Dave Gilmour. To rub it in even more for mine and I think the majority of Pink Floyd fans like the Dave Gilmore era a lot more than that ( Roger the Dodger ) pretentious prats!
Originally posted by popmarter:[..]
Ha that's hilarious most floyd fans perfer the Waters led era DSOTM, Wish you were here,The Wall probably 3 of the greatest and most popular floyd albums you may disagree with his political view but a lot of people agree with him aswell .
Originally posted by tuf392664:[..]
I thought it was just me when I read that comment thinking that’s not true. Most pink Floyd fans I know prefer the waters led stuff. I barely like a pink Floyd song myself that isn’t on one of the albums you mentioned. Although I’ve never thought of it as a waters vs gilmour thing. I think despite being anything but a team now when they came together musically it very much was the strength of them working as a band that brought out the best in them. Waters wrote a lot of the great lyrics that Gilmour sang so well to fit the type of songs they wanted to create.
Originally posted by popmarter:[..]
Agree I'm not knocking Gilmour however the guy isn't a songwriter his wife writes most of his solo work and he only recorded two Floyd albums after Waters left which wouldn't be in a top 5 list for most fans, however Pink floyd wouldn't have been as good if it wasn't for his guitar playing and singing.