1. have you heard of my Coldplay site?

  2. hell no. Chris Martin annoys me. I'll rekindle my Stereophonics phase perhaps

  3. it was worth a try

    edit: you can go for The Verve, they're pretty damn good

  4. it all sounds the same with The Verve to me
  5. maybe its just a fans dream but i have the feeling it''s gonna be one of there best albums.... based on the storys i heard en read... i just cant wait till its january..
    i think they can acomplish it so my anwser to the topic question is; yes!

  6. Originally posted by ad87:maybe its just a fans dream but i have the feeling it''s gonna be one of there best albums.... based on the storys i heard en read... i just cant wait till its january..
    i think they can acomplish it so my anwser to the topic question is; yes!

    They always tell stories about how great it will be, so don't get too enthuasiastic, I'd say.
  7. i sure hope their best work is yet to come
  8. I doubt they can top JT.
  9. The very idea of outdoing "The joshua tree" or "Achtung baby" is ridicilous - it will never happen. Everyone's allowed to have inaccurate dreams, but come on... be reasonable!

    I still believe the album can be very good, but I'm not as sold out as a lot of you are, and absolutely not until I've heard it. Surely they can surprise us, but there is no way that their very best work is to come.

    As you may have guessed, I voted for:

    "I seriously doubt they can top JT/AB/another album"
  10. For me, the thing is, it's not a case of them never being able to top their previous work in the future, because it would be wrong to think so because it's not impossible, but judging by what we've come across thus far, it's not gonna be this next upcoming album.