Originally posted by justinpushplay:[..]
Only Beautiful Day and Stuck were included. Elevation and Walk On were released as singles in 2001, so I guess they didn’t quality for the 2000 cutoff
Originally posted by justinpushplay:[..]
Only Beautiful Day and Stuck were included. Elevation and Walk On were released as singles in 2001, so I guess they didn’t quality for the 2000 cutoff
Originally posted by colbourne25:[..]
Yer, Okay cool 👍
Btw I'm having dinner with Taylor Swift tonight - I'll be sure to let you know her plans for the rest of the year.
Originally posted by tuf392664:[..]
They included electrical storm and hands that built America though that were both released after 2000. A 2000-2010 best of makes no sense to me.
Originally posted by justinpushplay:[..]
Well electrical storm was recorded for it, hands was included as one of the “new songs” ala window in the skies on u218. A new song or two is pretty typical for a greatest hits package
Originally posted by MattG:Man, it really, really bums me out that we won't get a Bomb box. The moment the ATYCLB box was announced I salivated at getting that kind of content from the Bomb sessions / era. Have literally had it quietly in the back of my mind, anxiously excited, for years.
Originally posted by tuf392664:[..]
They included electrical storm and hands that built America though that were both released after 2000. A 2000-2010 best of makes no sense to me.
Originally posted by u2wanderer1:[..]
They still may do one down the road. The bigger Joshua Tree box came at 30 years, The Unforgettable Fire box came at 25 years. A new album is the band’s priority. They have a back up plan ready if they can’t get the album put together and need to delay it to Spring. Neither of those plans currently would have a big boxed set of Bomb stuff coming out at the same time from what I’ve been told. (Likewise, they seem to not be looking at Atomic Bomb for a Black Friday release either. That has to be submitted next month and it seems they plan on doing another single/EP length release.)
Originally posted by tuf392664:[..]
Any hint at all at what the back up plan is? Still some new material, live material, video, audio or something else even? Maybe an invisible type song that isn't for the regular album but fills a gap?
Originally posted by EridescoFly:[..]
Another 'exclusive' remix of Atomic City released on limited edition vinyl of all colours of the rainbow. Then more talk from a certain lead singer about how 'on fire' his guitarist is, they've got new songs and there could be upcoming new album possibly sometime in the future.
I'd hazard a guess an anniversary release of HTDAAB however.
Originally posted by Zwervervriend:[..]
Did you read anything in this thread at all?? HTDAAB ain't gonna happen
Originally posted by EridescoFly:[..]
I did and was being sarcastic