1. There is a new You Too, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The last You Too:

    What is your favorite closing song? (started on 2008-12-01)

    40 - 52.5%
    Love Is Blindness - 20.2%
    Walk On - 14.8%
    All I Want Is You - 12.5%

    Votes: 297

    The question of this new You Too is:

    Which of U2's previous albums do you feel this new one will be like thematically?

    - Boy
    - Joshua Tree
    - Achtung Baby
    - How To Dismantle and Atomic Bomb

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this thread you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
    Your vote is valued! Thank you!

  2. i would hope the true answer is none of the above
  3. I voted HTAAB because they seem to go in threes, and another album along the lines of the last 2 would fit their career pattern. I will believe the Moroccan and trance influences when I hear them myself. If the question was what do hope it will be like, it would be AB.
  4. I'd say ii'll be in the sense of achtung baby. new, fresh, surprising.

  5. i think it will be. but that will be the only connection to AB..hopefully
  6. In terms of sound, achtung baby no doubt
  7. None of the above
  8. I don't think it will sound like any of those truthfully. I think it will sound a lot like Window In The Skies. Father Christmas sounded a lot like Window In The Skies in terms of the overall sound. As for the theme, definitely not AB. I don't know why that's gotten the most votes so far. They're not aiming to throw everything they've done away and start from scratch like they did with AB. AB was 4 men chopping down the Joshua Tree. I doubt The new album will be 4 men using the Plans on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb to actually dismantle one haha. I think it will be new, but not in the same way AB was. I think thematically it will be more on the lines of JT.
  9. It will be an evolution of the HTDAAB sound, it's the last album of this 'trilogy' (also shares their long titles)

    From what i've heard so far it doesn't seem to have the spontaneity of AB, more likely it's similarities with AB lie more in the experimentation with rhythm, sound etc, rather than any thematic ones, AB was very much a record of the times, it would be hard to recreate the feel of the early 90s, nor should they seeing as the themes should be contemporary.
  10. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I don't think it will sound like any of those truthfully. I think it will sound a lot like Window In The Skies. Father Christmas sounded a lot like Window In The Skies in terms of the overall sound. As for the theme, definitely not AB. I don't know why that's gotten the most votes so far. They're not aiming to throw everything they've done away and start from scratch like they did with AB. AB was 4 men chopping down the Joshua Tree. I doubt The new album will be 4 men using the Plans on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb to actually dismantle one haha. I think it will be new, but not in the same way AB was. I think thematically it will be more on the lines of JT.

    don't think WITS was intended as a teaser for a new album, and besides Rubin produced it....an album produced by Eno/Lanois will not resemble anything by Rubin
  11. Originally posted by vanquish:It will be an evolution of the HTDAAB sound, it's the last album of this 'trilogy' (also shares their long titles)

    From what i've heard so far it doesn't seem to have the spontaneity of AB, more likely it's similarities with AB lie more in the experimentation with rhythm, sound etc, rather than any thematic ones, AB was very much a record of the times, it would be hard to recreate the feel of the early 90s, nor should they seeing as the themes should be contemporary.

    I find it funny when people use the word 'triology' here. Boy and October are similar, but War was something else. TUF and JT share similar sounds, and JT and R&H share sounds, and so on. I think it's best to say any previous album is what U2 base their album off of, and either try to go along with it with some differences within a few years as a follow up, or go completely different to create a new feel. Remember, Zooropa and Pop are 90s records, but with a different feel.

    Because U2 are claiming this to be innovative and have a different feel, they're basically saying they're following the trend I have mentioned. My belief is that it will have the same transition U2 had from the Zoo era to the Pop era. Not much change in the sound, but it will be something different. And as U2 fans, we all love hearing something different all the time.

    So we can trace the new album's sounds to HTDAAB, but it will be different. So instead of using the word 'theme' here, you could say 'which album will the new album be most likely similar to?' or 'what kind of transition are u2 making from their previous album to the next?'.

    But this isn't what this is about.

    As for a theme? Achtung had dark themes, and I think this one will too.
  12. I'd just like it to be awesome please