1. looking forward to have magnificent on 1...

    wich i think it will end up here in holland
  2. I love this song. It's definitely worth being the next single!
  3. I'm sure it'll attract a lot more people to the album than GOYB

    Cause let's bee honoust, GOYB isn't a good parameter for the album
    But i think Magnificent is
  4. Here in Holland radio stations already forgot GOYB ever existed. They can't stop playing Magnificent, like it's already the new U2 single. I hear it all the time.
  5. in Portugal the same thing, altough nowadays i don´t listen too much radio, this weekend was playing MAGNIFICENT on the radio, and we must say that sounds much better than boots, it´s a drect link to the audience, continue not figure why they choose boots.
  6. Originally posted by Remy:Here in Holland radio stations already forgot GOYB ever existed. They can't stop playing Magnificent, like it's already the new U2 single. I hear it all the time.
    Thats great isn't it? I haven't heard it a single time in our radio...
  7. Wait...no B-sides? That's gonna be kinda shit.
  8. What do you mean no b-sides? Of course there will be b-sides