1. I'll go crazy if I don't go to U2start tonight

    and of course - Magnificent U2start
  2. Dream up the world you want to live in, Dream U2Start
  3. sharing is caring, u2start

    will there be girlie shirts as well?
  4. Nice one Daley

    U2start is where we live
    Do u2start? (;))
    Every end has a start. U2start.
  5. Breathe..

    and please there are girls with a bigger size.
  6. I know it'll be one hell of a work (most likely) but if everyone had their nickname on the shirt somewhere.. would be so cool

  7. Sure
    The sharing will feature shirts a lot I think, share your passion etc.

  8. That could be made, not really a lot of work, just have to get a basic shirt.

  9. Haha I like that last one