1. What are some good setlists for a HTRAAB Tour? I’m just curious on people’s thoughts!
  2. None. If they toured this I'd probably consider skipping it. I'd prefer a greatest hits tour to be honest.
  3. Definitely NOT Europe...
  4. Would like to hear evidence of life, luckiest man, happiness, smile and country mile live. Picture of you and are you gonna wait forever would be ok too. Theme from Batman could have worked as something over the PA. In reality they’ll probably not play any of these live which is unfortunate because I think they could do a better job of them than most of their songs from the past now.
  5. I’m just making a playlist. I would also prefer them not to tour this
  6. Why didnt they make vocals for Theme From The Batman? Incredible good.

    But Treason, is a disaster. Sounds like a Beyonce track from the 00s. The music is good, but the singing and rap😄

    I wa pretty sceptic about The Luckiest Man In The World, but it was a surprise, but still Bonos vocals i
    On the 2004 version is superior.
  7. really really liked this anniversary, has something original and pure than the others
  8. Luckiest Man this, Mercy that, where is Native Son???
  9. Exactly! Would have been a better inclusion than Are You Gonna Wait Forever. Way better. I’m assuming it has something to do with Vertigo’s ubiquity.
  10. Originally posted by TheRefugee:[..]
    Exactly! Would have been a better inclusion than Are You Gonna Wait Forever. Way better. I’m assuming it has something to do with Vertigo’s ubiquity.
    Honestly I don't think either of those two should be on the shadow album- they were both already released