1. Someone who definitively deserves a topic! I'm too tired to write anything really, but I felt that I should correct the error in the forum that is that he doesn't have a topic.

    He's damn good to listen to in the night when your tired!
  2. Strangers In The Night
  3. ...And did it myyyyyyyyyyyyyy waaaaaaaayyyyyyy
  4. I've got you under my skin
  5. Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly awaayyyyy
  6. Love and Marriage
  7. Frank Sinatra must be one of the best singers of all time, probably the best articulation of all time And his smooth voice and everything, a singer doesn't get much better than he was.

    Anyone agree?
  8. I agree. Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Freddy Mercury. The Holy Trinity.
  9. "My - you didn't spend a dime on your clothes..."
    "Look at me now Frank!"

  10. Frank , Elvis , Freddy are great.

    But Elvis I found out recently, I was very surprised with him !!!!
  11. let them sing Lemon for example or In a lifetime ..