1. Originally posted by Fly40:I don't Know about you al out there.i Know there's some hurricane coming over uk and around
    Buy here in italy not a fuckin drop of a drop
    It helps me work.good For me.
    Can't believe a hurricane in eire/uk... freakish...
  2. Never happened in history?
  3. Here in italy i thinks the very last storm.....
    Well.......last week i've been eating chikpeas....
  4. Here in South Wales we have had dust blown in from everywhere. The whole day was dark yesterday. An eerie red tinge to the skies and terrific winds. The coastline is now full of driftwood ready for the winter storage for the fireplace.
  5. Originally posted by ELIZIUM:Here in South Wales we have had dust blown in from everywhere. The whole day was dark yesterday. An eerie red tinge to the skies and terrific winds. The coastline is now full of driftwood ready for the winter storage for the fireplace.
  6. Red sand from Afrika
  7. ...Nostradamus....
  8. And lots of it too. My jeep is covered.
  9. I'm covered by dust.mosquitos and every insect existing