1. Okay, so I know what an IEM is but my question is, how do people get these recordings?
  2. IEMs work like this:

    1) musicians play > 2) their instruments and microphones send a signal to the mixing desk (and of course to the PA too, but we're not interested in that now) > 3) the mixing desk guys mix it all and sometimes add some things like the metronome, the counting before songs or the famous "one, two, three, verse" thingies > 4) an electromagnetic signal similar to radio waves is sent from the mixing desk back to the musicians, who have specific signal receptors for that; they listen back to what they're playing, and that sound includes the mixing tweaks and a special EQ for each musician.

    IEMs are recorded by capturing the waves at step 4. And the waves can be captured with a wireless receptor like this:

    , and then sent from the receptor's output to a standard recorder input.

  3. So if I buy one of those and take it to a concert I can record the IEM feed?

  4. There is a loooooot deeper than that. It's like saying that "Yes, you can easily play guitar. Just get a guitar and shake your right hand!"... Regarding the IEMs, firstly you have to know which receptor to buy. Not all of them can cover the frequency range that U2 uses. Then you have to know in which specific frequencies does U2' crew transmit so you can pick up a strong signal. Then you have to avoid the line dropouts and the electromagnetical interferencies (which might be the most difficult part, given the insane amount of mobile phones turned on at the venues nowadays). Then you have to know how to record and EQ your recording. Then you have to... Then... You got me?
  5. so...
    Can I have a receiver of any model?
    or should I have the receiver of the same model that the band uses ???????
  6. Buy them all so that way you have full coverage. You'll need to match it to the same brand and range the band uses.
  7. If you do the homework then you'll learn as you go, it's not a case of try it once and you'll have it straight away - I mean you might get lucky but I doubt it, it needs practice and lots of shows
  8. Expect to fail. A lot at first. And then failure rate will decrease but you still won't have it mastered. Much harder and trickier than regular microphone recordings, especially to do it reliable at a high level.
  9. nobody answered my question ...
  10. I did. Either get a radio scanner or the same brand/ range the band uses.
  11. Yes the most expensive one probably! LOL