1. Does it really make it look that dirty to have it just always underneath the avatar like before?
  2. Lol, the cleanliness is something we'd get used to after a while. I prefer a minimalist appraoch but I do also miss the infomation that has always been present, even if not all that useful
  3. If it was done in a small font - like the type used in the reply boxes (just looks like regular Arial) - and placed underneath it might look ok.
  4. Originally posted by drewhiggins:If it was done in a small font - like the type used in the reply boxes (just looks like regular Arial) - and placed underneath it might look ok.

    I agree...maybe it's just the part of me that loves the way U2start just the way it was
  5. I am for the hover approach. The hover can be bigger than the element used as trigger, so can be username without any problems.

    Honestly, I had to adjust to this new layout too, it took me some time. But now I very much prefer the clean layout.
  6. Yes, just give it a few weeks and then let us know what you prefer

    We also want to attract more people to the new profile pages (where the post count & location is also displayed).
  7. Looks amazing guys, well done on the hard work and once again, a big, massive, humungous

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. And we also want to welcome drewhiggins to the crew, welcome Drew
  9. Thanks Remy!!! Hello to everyone!
  10. Congratulations Drew, and to the others that have became crew member today