1992-06-11 - Stockholm
Tour: ZOO TV
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 7
Videos: 1
  1. Edinburgh 1980.
  2. Edge, you're killing me
  3. Tokyo 1983 2nd night
  4. Here he goes...
  5. Anyone who has witnessed this live is a lucky individual.
  6. There ya go! Hope everyone enjoyed it
  7. Bravo!
  8. I tuned in during work. Great show, big thanks to the hosts
  9. So it was last night after all? Thought it was postponed...
  10. It is and we’ll do it soon again
    We just had so many people on the site anyway that we did it.
  11. It's definitely more fun as a "watchparty" then getting lost on YT just by yourself. Goed idee!