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United Kingdom
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8 years ago
5 shows during 5 tours
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2015-11-07 - Glasgow
"Just the best. Being so close to the f.."
All 1 reviews
The Joshua Tree
Adamsspecs heard 11 songs from the The Joshua Tree album live.
All 14 albums

favorite tour: ZOO TV
"First time live not the last. A fantastic introduction to u2 live."
favorite show: 1993-08-07 - Glasgow
"Just turned 18 and to have the band within reaching distance playing blew me away. Bono landed on top of me when he crowd surfed!"
favorite album: Achtung Baby
"Difficult to chose but overall AB wins. Just because it's fantastic."
favorite song: Until The End Of The World
"Amazing amazing amazing song especially live. Love to sing this at top volume when driving and when I hear it still gives me chills 25 years on "

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