Lives in:
Mexico City
Forum posts:
14 years ago
7 shows during 3 tours
personal record

favorite tour: Elevation Tour
"I think the Elevation Tour had U2 in its best artistic moment and all the songs of the ATYCLB really have a balance that is no longer seen."
favorite show: 1993-11-27 - Sydney
"It's the tour where I met U2 and since I saw the DVD of the ZOOTV Tour, U2 is no longer separated from me."
favorite album: The Joshua Tree
"It's the album that has the most poetic lyrics you've ever done. And since I read them I wanted to be a poet, although it's obvious that I'm not close to being a writer."
favorite song: Promenade
"It's a very modest U2 song, but it always manages to offer me Peace."

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