2010-09-15 - Munich
Tour: U2 360° Tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 4
Videos: 1
  1. WOWY has seen better tours..
  2. Remy bought all 3 of them. They will host the next U2start parties
  3. I remember they tried to sell them off in chunks as fancy (albeit much smaller) event locations.
  4. What happened with the big lemon?
  5. The Claw is spread out in various warehouses.
  6. WOWY was totally forgettable between 2002 and 2014. Glad they revived it as it deserves for this last tour.
  7. The Washington 1992 version
  8. MOS is next, gonna take out the guitar again - another really enjoyable piece to play along to.
  9. Starting in 1997 I'm afraid
  10. Popmart was another low point for it, I agree, but I somehow enjoy it on the Elevation tour. The snippets, the lightning, the intimate setting...