2017-06-07 - Pittsburgh
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 2
  1. The concert is going very fast.
  2. Miss Sarajevo / Ultraviolet / One
  3. Beautiful Night/Day....life is good when you can listen to U2 in Pittsburgh from Seattle while sitting in my lazy boy with my iPad in my lap watching the NBA Finals ...
  4. So Happy birthday is a standard now !!
  5. Jim Berry 's Happy Birthday?

    Little things...
  6. Originally posted by fastcars:Beautiful Night/Day....life is good when you can listen to U2 in Pittsburgh from Seattle while sitting in my lazy boy with my iPad in my lap watching the NBA Finals ...
    Haha, I'm doing the same thing. Good game, finally.

    Edit: They played "Pride" going to the commercial break!
  7. Just got home - yes - tarps over seats were embarrassing
  8. Also - I was supposed to be in one of those sections - I got "upgraded" to a 200 level club special...so pretty cool huh? When I get there, it's limited view and Ican barely see the screen
  9. RED Zone was especially empty
  10. Also - after seeing EXIT - started to wonder just what we missed all those years of this song being benched. Can only imagine the "fun" McPhisto would have had with this backdrop....
  11. A six-page setlist party?