1. I received my posters a few days ago, the smell is unbearable to be honest. Does it fade away or are others experiencing the same problems? They look great though
  2. I don't think it's that bad...

    The posters are meant to be looked at not smelt
  3. Fair point, the room they are in now is already starting to take over the smell though. I'll just let them stay there for a while and put them in frames when I've bought some.
  4. Bare in mind I have a pretty bad sense of smell...

    The main benefit of the membership is the pre-sale access anyway.
  5. my framed ones (behind plexi) don't smell at all.
  6. Originally posted by jochem:I received my posters a few days ago, the smell is unbearable to be honest. Does it fade away or are others experiencing the same problems? They look great though
    Smells of Experience
  7. Please help!!

    I've subscribed to U2.com now for the first time. But how do I sign in on the website? I tried but the website wants me to subscibe again.
  8. Originally posted by Kerstin:Please help!!

    I've subscribed to U2.com now for the first time. But how do I sign in on the website? I tried but the website wants me to subscibe again.
    You have the SIGN UP / SIGN IN button make sure you hit the right side (SIGN IN)
  9. I still haven't gotten mine....
  10. Am I right in thinking traditionally u2.com use to let members know about now what they had lined up for the new subscription ? Although considering how long the Serigraph poster took it won't happen this month. But hey, you never know.
  11. Originally posted by jheath:Am I right in thinking traditionally u2.com use to let members know about now what they had lined up for the new subscription ? Although considering how long the Serigraph poster took it won't happen this month. But hey, you never know.
    I think the posters were announced in January, so maybe then.
  12. I believe you are right. I remember my subscription was up in December, but they extended it until the end of January because they hadn't announced the gift yet...