1. I'm a bit confused. I only just subscribed to U2.com and now I got an e-mail for a renewal!? Does that mean I need to renew for 2017? I thought my subscription would last for a full year / 12 months (i.e. until next October).
  2. If it last till september 2017 and you will renew now it will be till september 2018
  3. The subscription lasts a full year. If you don't subscribe now you would get a notification when your personal subscription expires. U2.com sends a renewal notification to all subscribers at this time because their subscription gift tends to follow the standard calendar year.
  4. Ah, okay. Thanks.
  5. I still need to get frames for them! Looking forward to the next gift.
  6. Very curious now to what the new '2017 Gift' will be.....
    I'm hoping for the CD: 'The Joshua Tree - the Lost Studio Outtakes'
  7. Originally posted by u2joost:Very curious now to what the new '2017 Gift' will be.....
    I'm hoping for the CD: 'The Joshua Tree - the Lost Studio Outtakes'
    I'm hoping for either a live gig from i&e tour or maybe from this upcoming tour, cd or dvd.
  8. Originally posted by u2joost:Very curious now to what the new '2017 Gift' will be.....
    I'm hoping for the CD: 'The Joshua Tree - the Lost Studio Outtakes'
    I'm thinking some book or graphic art of some sort to celebrate Pop's 20th Joshua's 30th birthday