1. Actually, an interview and a screen on myspace isn't really what I'd call a lot of buzz...
  2. Originally posted by Ali709Well, Coen's review in the reviews topic says the theater was filled in NY, that's better, it takes time for people to recommend the movie to each other...

    Right, the place was packed!
  3. Originally posted by yeahActually, an interview and a screen on myspace isn't really what I'd call a lot of buzz...

    its more than what lindsey buckingham got...exactly
  4. BBC Radio 1 advertised it.Still,poor marketing i think.IMAX Glasgow are showing it
  5. Originally posted by drewhiggins[..]

    I think if something like Rattle and Hum came out again it'd be brilliant - performances with BB King, visits to Graceland and lots of great live stuff - pity for the All Along The Watchtower stuffup. It's a great concert film and got me into U2, I see nothing wrong with it. However, lots of casual fans who watched Rattle and Hum, then watched Chicago and Milan said those two shows in particular were awesome and better than R&H. Was it the black and white, was it the unknown songs to those fans, was it too political? Who knows.

    I then showed them the full and unedited Buenos Aires 2006 and they said it was even better then Chicago / Milan. So even a casual fan can see how suckful those two official DVDs were.

    Anyhow, let's not talk about the qualities and criticisms of R&H and Hamish Hamilton and that stuff. I'd love to see an advert and be watching high-definition at the time, then tape that. A HD ad for U2:3D would rock. But for god sake, put ads on so people can see it and go "Oh have U2 put out a 3D concert film, I might go check it out". See what I mean?

    I've always loved Rattle and Hum. I think the "casual" fans usually are more Pop people instead of Rock people, and R&H was just too "Hardcore" for them. I love the fact that it's black and white. And the fact that they visit graceland, play with B.B., etc. That's what Rock & Roll is about.
  6. it was crazy, the show in Chicago was sold out, but people werent really into it. I dont know if i'd have less people and have them clapping and singing like me or half a full crowd sit and not even bop their heads to the music.

  7. Originally posted by paolom3They have a giant interactive add on Myspace, when you login it comes out and you have the option to download a widget to your myspace, facebook, gmail, etc

    Yeah but tough luck to those who don't like MySpace or FaceBook. Is U2 dealing with the lowest common denominator on MySpace? MySpace is a piece of utter crap anyway without U2 being on it.
  8. Originally posted by drewhiggins[..]
    MySpace is a piece of utter crap anyway without U2 being on it.

    Haha....I've never really figured out the "craze"
  9. Originally posted by drewhiggins[..]

    Yeah but tough luck to those who don't like MySpace or FaceBook. Is U2 dealing with the lowest common denominator on MySpace? MySpace is a piece of utter crap anyway without U2 being on it.

    without myspace no girl would touch my adrogyous metro sexual body
  10. Right on dude. Stop talking crap, nobody cares.
  11. lol

    EDIT: Drew's right.
  12. I thought I was the only one who could talk dirty
    I LOVE R&H, the performances on that film are awesome, and compared to a recent DVD director of U2's, the direction of R&H is amazing!
    But just see some reviews of the time, some people hated that movie...it made the wrong points. I'm not saying it's a bad movie, I'm saying it got a very bad reception and it really hurt the band.