1. There is a song about America on the album right? Maybe it's for that song.
  2. Wonder when we're going to see the video for YTBTAM that was shoot in Amsterdam...
  3. Well, considering that apparently they're still deciding over the final mix of the song itself, I think it's still a long wait for the video...
  4. Originally posted by Bloodraven:[..]
    Well, considering that apparently they're still deciding over the final mix of the song itself, I think it's still a long wait for the video...
    Where did you see that ?

  5. Could be, but I'd take in mind that that guy is one of the Photogs that have been following the band this whole tour. Its family of the bands... (a cousin) and maybe documenting more for the band themselves. For whichever reason.
    I've been following most of their photo / tour personnel on IG.. Fun stuff
    They seem to film so much, maybe they are still going on with that documentary that they once planned during the I+E tour.
    Would be great if they wrapped it all one neat package If they do both a doc on the innocence and the experience tour.